Fluff - Shirabu?..Semi?!

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I judt had the urge to write so :p this js def a one-shot and its gon' be (super) short haha

Tendou's POV:
SemiSemi and Saltybu have been close lately.... And been disappearing too..? There's definitely something going on and i need to find ou- "Ah~" Wha-....did someone just- "Agh! Semi..!" Is that- Shirabu-? And- Semi?! HOLY SHIT DID HE JUST FRENCH KISS SHIRABU?????

Semi's POV:
I french kiss Shirabu then we broke the kiss as we heard a loud, a bit exaggerated gasp, following with a "SHIRABU? SEMISEMI???? WHAT-?" it takes a few seconds for me and Shirabu to realizes who that is and our faces go red. A bit surprised by Tendou, i said "T-tendou?! What are you doing here?-"

Shirabu slaps my arm lightly and said "I thought we wouldnt get caught!-"

"Yeah i made sure- it just so happened Tendou was passing by and heard you moan, baka" and i earn another slap but harder-

We leave the spot and i go to Tendou with a pink face and Shirabu, red.

"My my~ are those hickeys, i see on Shirabu's neck? You guys wouldve done the dirty if i didn't interrupt, right?" He says with a smirky face

"N-no!!" My face reddens, making me look like a tomato

"Suure~ so anyway~ are you guys dating? You guys probably are or else you wouldn't do that! When did you start dating? Who confessed?! Its definitely Semi, right? I. NEED. ANSWERS!!!!" He says, fast and with a squeal at the end

"Eh- y-yes we are dating, we started dating just a few weeks ago- and you're wrong. Shirabu confessed- it was so~ cute! Right, Bu?" I look towards Shirabu and his face becomes pink, looks away and mumbles a 'Shut up'

"Hey Tendou?" I start


"Please don't tell anyone yet. Shirabu isn't comfortable telling the others yet and I respect that"

"Sure! I'll keep mouth~ shut!~ unlike Shirabu's, moanin-"


Thats it! As said in the beginning, this will be short and it is. Thanks for reading, bye!


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