Fluff - Shut Up And Dance With Me

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You can probably guess whats in this chapter through the name ✋😭 I suggest listening to the music while reading its fun af
Italics will be the flash backs and it will be in Semi's POV and Semi is like 24 and Shirabu is 23 and they've been dating for 7 or 8 years in this story
AnyGAYS, onto the story

Semi's POV:
I remember when we were in high school. Oh and prom! When Kenji asked me to prom..heh

Tendou and I were talking about prom which was tomorrow. We decided to talk again after class and head to our classes

Sadly, we weren't in the same classes but the good thing is, my crush, Shirabu Kenjiro is in the same classes as I am

I catch him staring at me sometimes but thats because he always looks around the class to see who is paying attention and who isn't

I stare at him most of the time in our classes and he catches me staring but for some reason, he always looks away and blushes. I didn't mind it, of course

English class finishes and I get my stuff and head out the door but someone grabs my arm and stops me. I turn back to see him. Shirabu Kenjiro. He's..blushing?

"..Uh..hi? What can I help you with?"

"S-sorry for suddenly grabbing you" he says as he lets go of my arm
"I-I-" huh..he's stuttering? That's a first


"I- I wanted to a-ask i-if....you wanted to go to prom with me and be my prom date?.." Is he really asking me this? I'm not dreaming??

"I'm sorry, can you repeat that-?" I must be dreaming.

"U-uhm.. I said if you wanted to be my prom date..?" Holy shit. I'm not?!

"Holy shit I'm not dreaming?!" Oops... I said that out loud....

"Uhh- no-"

"Sorry, sorry. But yes, yes I will go to prom with you as your prom date"



"Ah! Sorry!!"

"N-no its fine! See you at prom?"

"Yeah..see you!"


"He did?!"

"Yes!! My fucking crush, Tendou!!!!"

"Congrats SemiSemi!"

Time skip to prom because I'm lazy to write everything and school is boring anyway
Its prom today! Can't wait to see Shira..

Time skip to when they all start dancing and doing shit because I'm lazy af

Me and Tendou were just talking about who knows what but I was waiting for someone..

"Hey SemiSemi! Wanna hang out tomorr-" Tendou was saying something until Shira came outta nowhere and grabbed my hand and pulled me to the dance floor. I don't know how it happened

I was about to look back at Tendou who was behind me when Shirabu said
"Oh don't you dare look back!"
"Just keep your eyes on me.."

I said
"Pfft, you're holding back-"
He blushed

"Shut up!" He looked away and extended his hand to me
"And dance with me.."

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