Angst to Fluff - Hanahaki

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I hate him. I hate his personality. I hate how he always checks up on me. I hate it. I hate how he asks if I'm okay even if its a realy small injury.

I hate how his personality is like a flower. Attractive. Beautiful. It can make you fall in love. Like I did. I hate him. I hate how beautiful his smile is.

I hate how breath-taking it is. I hate his eyes. How mesmerizing they are. I hate his hair. His soft, silky, beautiful hair.

Why did I have to fall for someone I don't deserve? Now here I am, coughing up petals and flowers.
October 17, 2022

As Shirabi stops writing in his diary, he starts to cough again. Cough. Cough. Cough. More petals. He sighs. He still wonders if he should confess or get the surgery or not. He doesn't want to suffer, but he also doesn't want to forget him.


A message. A message. From him. It says "Hey bu! Whatcha doin'?"

He opens his chat with Semi.

Shirabu's POV:
I heard a ding on my phone. As I reach for my phone, I see that Semi texted me. Wait..SEMI? SEMI TEXTED ME?

I think to myself {Breath in, breathe out. He just texted you and you should reply! Don't be such a coward, Kenjiro}

I get my phone and open my messages and go to his contact named "Annoying Senpai". I should probably change that soon

Annoying Senpai
Annoying Senpai: Hey bu! Whatcha doin'?

Me: Studying. Why?

Annoying Senpai: Nothing~ just boreddd :pp

Me: Good. Stay bored.

Annoying Senpai: Now now Shira, no need to be mean to you're amazing senpai ;(

Me: Your*
Me: And no. I would prefer to be with Ushijima-san.

Annoying Senpai replied to your message- [Your*]
It was an accident 💀
Annoying Senpai replied to your message- [And no. I would prefer to be with Ushijima-san.]
What's so great about him anyway? :P

Me: A lot. But..I love your music...

Shirabu Kenjiro has deleted a message

Annoying Senpai: Oh? What did you delete Shiraboo??

Me: Nothing.

Annoying Senpai: Hmmm
Annoying Senpai: Are you sure thats not a lie?

Me: Yes. Now, I'm gonna go back to studying. Goodbye, Semi-san

Annoying Senpai: Byeeeeee Shiraaaaaaaa ;(

I turned off my phone. I can feel my face heating up..Did I really just say that?! Good thing he didn't see it..but for now..I think I'll actually start stu- cough cough cough. Ugh....its only been..what? 4 days?? Its not that bad...for now..

Time skip brought to you by ✨Tendou's fun

3rd person POV:
As Shirabu wakes up, he notices that he's getting a call and goes to decline it but accidentally accepts it.

"Heyyy Shiraaa! Oh you look like you just woke up?" Semi says as he looks at Shirabu on their video call.

"Wha- wait didn't I decline the call??" The copper headed boy says confused, wondering why he's in a video call.

"No?? Also, did you just wake up?" Says the ash blonde boy, wondering if he did just wake up.

"Well shit-" the copper haired boy curses. "What time is it?" He asks

"Uhh arouundd- 7:18 am. Why?"


"Shirab-" the call ends. Shirabu tosses his phone somewhere on his bed. He groans, getting up from his bed, annoyed by the fact he woke up early.

"I want and need fucking sleep.." He quietly curses. He gets a sachet of "Kopiko" (its a coffee brand where I'm from) and opens it. He boils hot water and mumbles curse words at Semi for waking him up.

As the hot water finishes boiling, there was a knock on the door. "Ughh who's at my fucking door at this time?" Shirabu groans as he walks to the door, only to see Semi Eita. "Heyy! Can I come in?"


"Shira? Can I-"

"Why the fuck are you here." He says, pissed off


"I said why the fuck are you here."

"Oh hang out with you..?" The ash blonde headed boy says, scared that he made him mad.

"..." Reluctantly, Shirabu lets him come in and mutters more curse words as he goes back to the kitchen to make his coffee.

"Thanks- and uh- sorry if I disturbed you" the elder of the two said, genuinely apologizing.


"Hm, no thanks"


Shirabu goes to the living room stirring the spoon in his mug.


"So..! Uhm whatcha wanna do, 'bu?"

"I wanna do a play. Wanns know what?"

"What is it?"

"Its called 'Leave me alone this morning, come back st 3 - 4 pm becaudr i wanns be alone.' Wanns play it?"

"Ehm..sure! I gotta go- see ya" as the ash blonde waves bye, shirabu feels kinds guilty but waves none the less.

To be continued
Hi guys. Im sorry this isn't updated much. Everything is just- kinda 'complicated' rn so.

I made this like- almost a month ago- and left it as a draft. This will be continyed because i have no inspiration rn- sorry

I'll try my best to update tho considering i have no inspo and complicated stuff, that will be hard

And i might focus on my unpublished MatsuHana book a bit more but yeah
Thanks for reading this (tho it sucks) and thanks for 200+ reads! Bye. See u in the next chapter maybe


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