Fluff - Date - Pt. 1

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*...* = doing something
-...- = thinking
<...> = calling
[...] = chatting/texting

Shirabu and Semi have been dating when Shirabu was half-way to being a second year (like he was a first year and half a year later- yeah) when Semi finally confesses to him about his obvious feelings to Shirabu.

Semi's POV:
It's our 2 year anniversary soon..and im going to college...i need to plan our date on our anniversary carefully so it turns out perfect. I could ask Tendou buuut he might spill to Ji by accident (he calls Shirabu "Ji" as nickname and sometimes "Bu")

Goshiki's POV:
I was gonna go on a walk when i heard my phone ringing. "Hello?" i said. "Heyyy Goshiki! I was wonfering if you knos how to help me-" it was Semi. "It depends. What kind of help do you need?" "Ehh welll its Bu's and i's anniversary tomorrow and i dont know ehat to do but if i ask Tendou he might tell Bu so i asked you" he said with one breath- "Hmmmmm maybe--" i start telling him suggestions and he says "Hmmm okay thanks! Bye!" as i finished.

Time skip to their 2 year anniversary

Semi's POV:
"Kenjiro~ good morning!" i say as i see him waking up. I was just cuddling with him, waiting for him to wake up. "*yawn* good morning..Eita.." i smile and hug him. "Happy 2 year anniversary, Kenji!!"

Shirabu's POV:
I wake up, feeling warm. I see Eita. "*yawn* good morning..Eita.." he smiles and hugs me and says "Happy 2 year anniversary, Kenji!!" i smile. "Happy anniversary, Eita!" i say happily. I get up quickly to get my gift for Eita and hide it. Eita shows up right after i finish hiding it and says "What are you doing, Kenji?".

I jump, startled by the fact he almodt saw me hiding it. "U-uh nothing? Anyway! Sit down Eita-kun. I'll cook breakfast" i hear him chuckle "You? You sure you wont burn the kitchen again?"

"Oh shush. I can cook a few things. Now go sit and wait" he sits down and waits for me. I get the pan and heat it up before putting oil. I then get 5 eggs and crack them and mix them. After i mix it, i put it on the pan and wait for it to cook. While waiting, i get some frie rice i cooked last night and flip the egg then put the rice.

Once i finish cooking it, i put some ketchup on top and put a few leaves of lettuce and a tomato on the side. "Eita! I'm done!" i say as i put the omurice on the table

An example of Shirabu's omurice:

An example of Shirabu's omurice:

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"Wow! It looks delicious!"

"Well? Eat up!" i say, seeing that he's just staring-

"Say ah~" he says, giving a spoon full to me

"Eh? But its your foo-" he cuts me off by shoving it into my mouth. It was yummy!! I munch my food and swallow it then say "First of all, rude. Second, thats your food!"

"Sorry? I wanted to dhare since i see you didnt make food for yourself"

"Its okay i guess..but dont judt shove it into my mouth!"

"Hehe sorryyy Bu!"

"Hmph...by the way, are we gonna go out somewhere or just stay home?"

"We're going out but its a secret where we're going~"


When Semi finally finishes

"Oh btw, Bu. I'm in a band!"

"Really?! Thats great, Eita!"
Cliffhangerrrr! Hehe- i was about to go get my vaccine but it got moved to tomorrow 😭 (Tuesday, March 14, 2022) er so yeah- hope you enjoy thisss!!

Word count: 612 words

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