Angst - Love You

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*...* = doing something
-...- = thinking
<...> = calling
[...] = chatting/texting

Shirabu's POV:
I finally came back from work and drove home. I work as a doctor and cant much time with my boyfriend, Semi Eita. I honestly feel bad for his boyfriend but i spend most of my time working...luckily, i get 2 days off since someone else is filling my spot so i get to spend time with Eita for 72 hours!! Its currently 12:29 am. Eita must be sleeping. I'll shower then cuddle with hi- AHH~ ....what was that? D-did someone just mo- MMM~ SEMI! Shhh not so loud babe~ Shirabu might come home soon..s-sorry its just you feEL SO GOOD~! Oh my gosh....i-is Eita cheating me?! He wouldnt.....right..?

3rd person POV:
Shirabu slowly, quietly walked towards their room, the m0@ns getting louder but hushed. As he walks there, he slowly opens the door, only to see something he wished he had not. It was Semi, with another boy. "W-WHATS GOING O-ON?!" screamed Shirabu. Tearing up, the tears threatening to spill, Shirabu says "Put the blanket on, im gonna open the lights. I dont wanna see you guys naked...." as told to do so, they did. Shirabu turned on the lights, looking down, trying not to cry. "Sh-shirabu- i can expla-" "Save your explanation. Just when i finally get a day off, i see this? *scoffs* coulda broke up with me, fucking bitch.." Shirabu cursed. "Get out." "Wha-" "I SAID GET OUT!! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT!!!" screamed Shirabu, looking up, tears falling. Semi held the others hand and got their clothes and left. Once Shirabu heard the front door closed, he fell to the floor, crying and sobbing and muttering words like "Why me?" or "Am i not good enough...?" or "Why....". After sobbing and crying, he fell asleep on the floor-

Shirabae, dont sleep on the floor-

A/n-san pls stfu and continue.

RuDe BuT aNyWaY-

Shirabu woke up, feeling sore (duh you slept on the hard floor Shirabae 😭). Memories from last nifhr floods his brain and ge tears up. He slowly gets up and goes to the kitchen and sees a note, saying "Dear Shirabu, im sorry you had to find out like that. I was gonna break up with you after tomorroe but you found truly sorry and i hope you forgive me.
- Semi"
Shirabu crumples the oaper and throws it in the trash. "Sorry my ass..." he mumbles. He makes cereals and gets his phone. *ring, ring, ringgg-* "Hello?"

"Good morning, sir ***"

"Ah Shirabu, good morning. May i ask why you are calling??"

"Of course. The reason is because I'm currently sick.. May I get 4 or 5 days off to rest? You can call me if needed."

"Oh im sorry to hear that, Shirabu. I hope you get better soon. I'll call you when needed. Good bye."

i end the call and scroll through my messages. I block Eit- Semi, and go to gc and said

Shiraboo: Hello everyone. I am just here to inform you that me and @SemiSemi are officially no longer dating. If you want an explanation, ask him. @Ushiwaka may Semi be suspended for a week or more?

Ushiwaka: Sure, but why?

Shiraboo: As i sais before, ask @SemiSemi .

SemiSemi: Ugh who keeps pingi- oh. Shirabu. Hello

Shiraboo: Aaaand that's my que to leave.

GuEsSmonstaaah: Hello everyone how are y- oh? Shirabu what happened?! @SemiSemi what did you do to poor Shirabu!?

I mute our gc, knowing they will spam. Why did Semi do that....why..i still love you.....why do i still love you?

Thats the end! Sorry if this sucks and short, as i said in the bio/description, i suck at writing books. Hope you enjoyed though! Bye!

Word count: 649 words

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