Fluff - Sick - Finale

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omg im alive again ‼️‼️ i totally didnt stop using wattpad and forgot about this and my 2 draft books 💀 anyway, the long awaited pt 2 of sick! semi :)

Third Person POV

Semi hugged Shirabu back, a slight smile on his face.

"Kenj, I'm ok, don't worry!" He ruffled his hair before attempting to let go of Shirabu in which Shirabu didn't allow.

"Shira?" He questioned, still trying to push him off gently. Tendou and Goshiki side eyed eah other as the watched the scene unfold, "Uhh Goshiki and I shall go now, see ya Semi-Semi and Shira-kun! Get well Sem!"

Tendou gave him the soup and put his arm around Goshiki as they started walking away, not wanting to watch the love birds. "Sorry, was just concerned when I saw you." Shirabu let go of Semi.

Semi's smile grew, "Aww, is my Kenji not salty anymore??" He teased, bringing Shirabu inside.

"Thanks for being concerned though." Semi placed the container of soup on the table in the dining room while Shirabu sat on the couch. "And thanks for the soup!" Semi shouted from the kitchen, getting two glasses of water.

He went to the living room where Shirabu was and handed him one of the glasses, and sat down a bit far from Shirabu. "Why're you sitting so far?"

He drank from the glass as he stared at Semi in confusion. "Well, I don't want my amazinggg boyfriend who came here with soup and homework to be sick now, do i?" He joked, although he was serious.

"Who cares, I came here to be with you. And, you should be resting, how did you even know we were at the door?"

"Easy, you guys were being noisy while I was at the kitchen to get some water for me." He shrugged as he explained.

Shirabu nodded, and scooted closer to Semi. "You should rest though." Semi coughed, "I know, but my boyfriend is here with me! I don't wanna miss his visit."

He smiled, Shirabu chuckled. "Go to your room and rest on your bed, I'll heat up some soup for your baby ass." Semi dramatically gasped with a hand on his chest but complied anyway.

"Well, this 'baby ass' will be waiting then!" He shouted as he went up to his room. Shirabu chuckled again, shaking his head slightly as he transferred some soup onto a ceremic bowl to heat up in the microwave.

He pressed 'Express' twice, the time being 30 seconds for it to microwave the bowl of soup. He then pressed start and waited.

Soon, it finished. He got the bowl, putting a spoon and got a glass of water before carefully heading to Semi's room, where he found Semi laying down, an arm on his forehead while his eyes were closed.

"Semi, I'm here." He said as he placed the bowl and glass on his nightstand. Semi opened his eyed and smiled, "There you are, took you long enough."

"You baby, let me check your fever." He smiled as he gently removed Semi's arm from his forehead, placing a hand to feel his temperature. "Oh damn you're hot."

" 'Course I am, that's why you're dating me."

"Haha funny but I'm serious, I'll get a cold wet towel, ok? I'll be back." Shirabu left and looked for a face towel, or a cloth that he could use. He checked every cabinet and drawer yet found none. He went back to Semi's room.

"Hey, Eita? Where's your towels or cloth?" Semi simply pointed at his closet, of course it was there. He got one and went to the sink, grabbing a big bowl and filled it with water and ice, dipoing the towel in there. He brought it up to Semi's room, squeezing the towel just enough to it be sort of dry.

He placed it on Semi's forehead. "Do you want soup?" No reply. "Eita?" He whispered, yet still no reply. It seems Semi fell asleep, while waiting.

"Oh Eita, you silly." He sat on a random chair that magically appeared. "I love you Eita, rest well my dear."


I dont like how this turned out but wtv, sorry if their personalities arenr accurate and whatsoever, i dont remember much 😭😭 and sorry for being inactice (disappearing) and all that. hope u guys enjoyeddd

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