erm hi

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i sincerely apologize for being so inactive.. i dont even have an excuse nor reason, all i can say is that i had no motivation, inspiration or ideas to write a new chapter, so ill let you guys decide!

ive seen in my notifs that there has been people who have added these to their reading lists, and im really glad they like this (cringey) old fic i made!! ill make sure its less cringy and better than before :) thanks for supporting my fic, guys!!! now choose for the next (and maybe more) chapter/s;


-hanahaki (angst)

-hanahaki (angst to fluff)

-hanahaki (fluff to angst)

-cheater (semi vers)

-cheater (shirabu vers)

-surprise! (shirabu vers, angst)

-surprise! (shirabu vers, fluff (and/or) lemon)

-surprise! (semi vers, angst)

-surprise! (semi vers, fluff (and/or) lemon)

-dating app (fluff)

-pen pals (fluff)

-pen pals (angst)

-library (shirabu's pov (and/or) vers)

-library (semi's pov (and/or) vers)

-met at the bar (fluff)

-zombie apocolypse (fluff to angst)

-criminal (shirabu's pov/vers)

-criminal (semi's pov/vers)

-(secret) fanboy shirabu (fluff, "secret" being optional)

-other (readers suggest/give ideas/request)

as you probably noticed, yes another hanahaki story, idk why but yes lang HAHAHAH there is no context/summary for the chapters/ideas mentioned, i'll prob make it on spot tbh

the shirabu's/semi's pov is as the name goes, itll be the same story but from their pov/their side of the story (i suppose the "vers" (aka version) would also technically be the same as that??? idk its nearly 1am so idk what im saying..) but the "version" kind of chapter could be like the same situation but obviously, diff person (like charac A instead of charac B)

im not too keen on lemon/smut so there would most likely be less than that, since im not too comfy with making those and theyre minors (unless i age them up, but yk what i mean.)

i also might change how i write the chapter names, and my writing style since its been a LONG while.

but thats it for now! ill also be refraining from making these kind of chapters (like "authors note" and what not, basically smth like this but isnt an actual chapter yk?) because i hate those fics that have a good amount of chapters but half or most of the chapters are just authors notes.

so instead, ill,try to briefly put an authors note in an actual chapter (as you  may have seen in past chapters) before starting the story. thank you for your time, i hope i wont disappoint when i make the chapters!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12 ⏰

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