Small Story (Angst) - I'm Happy Even If You're Not With Me.

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Semi's POV:
I'm living happily, living my dream, being a guitarist, having fun with my friends, and lots more. But there's a fact that still bothers me. Shirabu. Shirabu Kenjiro, was my ex-boyfriend. We broke up, because he fell out of love. He confirmed it wasn't my fault and such, but I can't help but think I wasn't good enough. I couldn't help but think he got tired of me.

I didn't eat for months. I always said "I'd rather die than be without you." back then. I always thought of our memories and moments. I promised you that I'd take a bullet for you. Heck, even I'd even jump in front of a train for you (if yk this song ur pro [ur also pro even if u dont know it] yahh). I promised you I'd love you even while I'm dead, but I don't think that matters now, does it? You're happy as a doctor, and with your fiance too. I still love you, but since you're happy, I'm happy too. Even if it's not me who you're happy with. I'll love you even in our next life.  

I'm glad you found someone better. I love you, Shirabu Kenjiro.


I'm so sorry this sucks, I'm not good with angst. and thank you for 600+ reads! Nearly 700!! I haven't had good inspiration so that's why I haven't updated. I haven't been doing good in academics either.. I failed my math exam last quarter :/// But I have a sports day on Nov. 8 and I'm so excited!!!! CAN'T WAIT FOR IT! :DDD

That's all, thank you all so much!

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