Fluff - Nicknames - Pt. 1

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*...* = doing something
-...- = thinking
<...> = calling
[...] = chatting/texting

Shirabu's POV:
It was another normal day. Well, if you consider the chaos in the Shiratorizawa volleyball team normal-

Shirabu's POV:
"Cutabu (pronounced as Cute-abu if you understand-)! C'monnn Shirabae, join us!" .....what did he just call me? Shirabae? Cutabu? What? "...What did you just call me?" i asked him. "Huh? Wdym? Just join usssss" said Semi, trying to change the subject. "Join you with what?" i questioned, looking at him with an annoyed and confused face.

"1. Dont look at me like that, you look so cute being confused that i might die. 2. Join us in truth or dare!!" said Semi-san. "*sigh* If you insist, Semi-senpai". After saying that, Semi goes pink, to red, to Tendo's hair color.

It was quite funny if you ask me. "U-uhm...anyway....Tendou! Truth or dare?" "Truth duh SemiSemi" "Hmmmm......OH! Are you and Ushijima dating?" with that, i started to grt curious. I looked over to Tendou (Where were you staring at, Shirabu? 👀👀👀) who was a blushing mess. It was kinda obvious they were dating.

"We'll take that as a yes 😏" said Semi, smirking aa if he won a bet or something. "Pfft dont act like you and sHiRaBaE arent dating!" Tendou said, mocking the nickname Semi keeps calling me (You love it tho 👀). "We arent dating." i said coldly, looking at Tendou with a sort of annoyed face, also a bit pink.
"That isnt what your face says, Shirabu~ 😏😏"

"Oh shut up. Im getting bored of this. Bye"

"Wait before you go! I~ have a suggestion :)"

".....so is it just me or does it feel like Tendou is planning something..bad?"

"Its just you, SemiSemi"

"Hurry up before I leave, Tendou. Whats your suggestion?"

"Oh right! I wanna do a double date with you and SemiSemi and me and Wakatoshi-kun!!"
With that, i turned red. A double date with Semi?! We arent even dating ye- was i just about to say yet? (Yes Shirabu-san. Yes.) "Shi-shirabu and i arent dating though?!"

"Then why are you flustered?~" yeah...why was he blushing and stuff?
"No reason!"

"Mhm suuuure..anywho! Are you guys gonna double date with us or not? Shirabu's been AWFULLY quiet!~ Heheheehe"

"I was just think abour something, shut up. And to answer your question--"

Semi's POV:
"And to answer your question, yes, me and Semi will go." WAIT WHAT? SHIRABU AGREED? AND ON A DOUBLE DATE? WITH ME?! "W-WAIT WHAT?"

"Wdym what?! You! Are going on a date! A DOUBLE DATE!"

"Yeah and? What about it?"

"A DOUBLE DATE, SHIRABU! YOURE GOING ON A DOUBLE DATE WITH ME!" i say, clearly in shock that he agreed to go even if its me.
"Yeah. What about it?" he says with uncertainty.
"I-i-i..I thought you hate me?!"

"No i dont? In fact its the oth-" before Shirabu can finish what he waa saying, he slaos his left hand to his mouth quickly.

"N-nothing" he says, blushing.

"Hm are you guys done flirting?" Tendou says, looking at me and Shiraboo back and forth.

"W-we werent flirting!!"

"Mhm your facr says otherwise. Anywayyyy~ when are you guys free?"

"This Saturday" (Its currently Monday for them) Shiraboo and i say at the same time.

"Hmmm....okay! Lets set a time to meet up on Thursday. Bye guys!" Tendou says as he leaves with Ushijima.

Time skip to Thursday

"SemiSemiiii!!" i heard from someone. I turned around to see Tendou runnung towards me while pulling Ushijima. I go to the side, seeing that Tendou wilk trip. A little while after going to the side, Tendou in fact, did trip.

Ushijima helps him up and recieves a 'Thank you Wakatoshi-kun!' from Tendou. He faces me and says "SemiSemi! Where's Shiraboo-boo?" with a confused look. I simply answer with "Idk. I was about to go get him. Also, don't call him that." i say a bit threatenly.

As he was about to question me, i see Shiraboo behind them, looking st me as i he's saying 'Shut your ass up im gonna scare them'. Tendou seems to notice i was looking vehind hum but before he can look behind, Shirabae goes "BOO!!!" with Tendou going "AAAAAAAAAA GHOST USHY GUSHY SAVE ME" and i mudt say, it was hilarious.

Ushijima says "Satori, that was judt Shirabu" looking at an embarrassed Tendou. Suddenly, I hear laughter. A beautiful laugh. I turn to Shirabu and see him holding his stomache and mouth, trying to breath and stop laughing which obviously he failed at.

"I-I cant b-b-breath...PFFFFT- HAHAHHAHAHAHAH", i blush from his laughter, oh it sounds so nice. I chuckle a little and say "Are you really that scared, Tendou?" as he sort of pouts, crosses his arms and say "My guard was off!". Shiraboo stops lsughing, wipes the tear in his eye with a small smile and says

"Oh that was hilarious! Anyway, what are you guys doing here?" with a curious look on his face, tilting his head a bit to the left. "Ah rght! We're here to talk about the time for Saturday!" Tendou says. I hear Shirabu mumble 'Right..the double date' then looks up to Tendou and says "How about 1:30 pm or 2:00? Im free after that" Tendou smiles and says "Great!! Any objections?" Ushijima and i shake our head 'no'. Tendou and Ushijima leave for their next class, leaving me and Shirabu.

I wave bye to Shirabu and was about to head to my History class when my arm gets pulled. I look back and see Shirabu holding my arm and looking at the ground. "Hm? Is there something you need, Shira-kun?" i say a bit teasingly.

Shirabu looks up and his face is pink? He mumbles something. "Sorry, what was that?" i asked him and he says "I said can you pick me up?.." and his face becomes a light shade of red. I reply with "Of course im gonna pick you up. Your my date after all. Anyway, we need to get going. See ya Shira! Bye!" and he mutters a 'bye' walking away. I think i like him..
Anddd thats it. I'll think of a plot for part 2. Sorry if this is bad and if there's a lot of spelling mistakes. I've been working on this for 4 - 5 days ( ° _ °|||). I'll try to update quicker though! Byee

Word count: 1083 words

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