Fluff - Helping and Falling In Love

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(Credits to @elalalarie on TikTok for the fanart!)

This was a draft from April and only now (June 7) have i wrote it 🤡 no inspiration go brrrrr (update [nov 2]: i wrote this and i was high or smth.. 😭)

Semi's POV:
Shirabu was having trouble setting for some reason. His pinky looks..injured?!

"Shirabu!" I called out to him. He looks over to me with an annoyed face. Cute though..wait..did i just- nope no i dont like him...right?

"What do you want now, Semi-san?" Oh he's here

"I saw your pinky finger.." I say in a low voice, almost as if I'm whispering. He looks shocked. Did he expect no one to see?

"...Please don't tell coach..i wanna play today...i promise I'll rest tomorrow! Please!" He says in a pleading voice..i wonder how turned on I'll get if- Eita no!!!!

"Hm..alright. But.."


"But you have to be extra careful, okay? Sure you're our main setter now and took my spot but its good to take care of yourself, okay?" I tell him as he looks away a bit annoyed. He's so- no Eita stop!

"....Fine. Thanks for not telling coach i guess.."

"Any time K- Shirabu-!" Was i just about to call Shirabu, Kenjiro?? No..yes?? Ugh questioning my sexuality go brrrrr

Me too Semi, me too 😭
200 plus words and i dont know where this story is going 🤡

"..I'm gonna go back t practicing now..bye..Semi-senpai". . .


Semi-san as much i find this funny, you're breaking character 😭😭

Ah sorry A/N-chan

Its alright but can we please go back to the storyy 😅

Yes of course


"SemiSemiiiii" Shit Tendou's calling


"What were you and Shira talking 'bout earlier??" Aaaanndd he's being nosy again

Yall no offense if you find this offensive, 'kay?? I love Tendou sm but this is just how he is in the story 😭

"Oh nothing" Great, he's giving me the 'Something's up and i dont trust you 👀' look. Sigh

"Hmmmmm you suuuurrreee??"

"Yes, I'm sure"

"HmmMmM alright. Byeee"

"Bye-?" That was odd..

"AGH!" What the- shit Shirabu!!

3rd person POV:
"AGH!" Was heard throughout the gym. Silence. Then running foots steps towards the copper haired boy.


"Shirabu-san are you okay?!?!"

"Shirabu, what happened?"

"Shirabu!?" And lots of other stuff were heard. "Everyone be quiet!!!" A certain ash blonde yelled.

"Excuse me, Wakatoshi" he said, walking over to Shirabu who was holding his hand and trying not to cry.



"I'm gonna bring you to the nurse, 'kay?"


"C'mon. Hop onto my back"

As Semi finishes saying that, Shirabu slowly and hesitantly hops onto his back. Semi holds his legs to support him and goes to the infirmary.

When they get there

"Hello, how can I help you?" The nurse said lookong at the boys.

"Well, my friend here accidentally hurt his pinky. Can you x-ray it?" As Semi spoke, he put Shirabu down on the infirmary bed (or whatever you call it) carefully.

"Oh of course! Give me a few seconds"

"Alright, thanks"

As the nurse prepares the x-ray, semi glances at shirabu and it looks like he's trying to calm himself down. He sees shirabu inhaling and exhalinf quietly and shakily. He walk towards shirabu snd sits beside him then says

"Hey, its alright, okay? You'll be fine! If you need to grip onto something, you can hold my hand, okay? You can squeeze it if you want! I'm here if you need me" he smiles as he says the last part. Shirabu looks ay him, unsure whether he should or not hold his hand. He takes a breath then hesitantly holds semi's hand

".. T-thanks... For bringing me here.."

"Anything for you!" Semi realizes what he said and blushes. Shirabu is in a red blush while semi looks away and squeezes his hand slightly

"Alright, i think I've set it up! Uhh whats his name?"

"Oh- uh- shirabu! Shirabu Kenjiro"

"Alright shirabu-kun! Your hand please?"

"Uhm.." He looks at semi and semi nods

"Okay.." He shows it to the nurse and she takes it gently and scans it

"Hm.. Seems like it is broken! However, its not that severe so it should take 2 to 3 weeks to heal! Does he do any sports?"

"Er yeah- we're in the volleyball club"

"Well, he cant play until it completely heals! Thats all, if something else happens, you know where to find me!" The nurse smiles and gently gives shirabu's hand back. They say goodbye and leave

Shirabu's pov:
I cant play for 3 weeks.. 3 fricking weeks! Ugh.. I wish i never broke my finger.. Gosh...

Semi's pov:
Shira looks upset.. what can I do to help him? ugh.. what to do.. what to do...agh f*ck it

I walk up to him

"Hm?- Wha-" I hug him. My heart's racing, gosh..

"S-semi-san wh-what are you doing??!"

"Hugging you because you're clearly bothered. If you don't like it just push me away." No response.

To be continued..


Hi guys! I missed writing omg- so sorry i didnt update again T-T my phone pass reset and didnt have access for 2 months but im back now! sort of- im only gonna be updating a bit because i dont like using a laptop for wattpad, yeah- im so sorry if this is cringe i wrote this like 3 months ago 💀💀 bleh i was too lazy to fix it anyway tho

So so sorry it sucks :// try checking out my other book (not haikyu related) tho! It's called "The Diary of Aza Alinara; Two Different Ways"!! :D

Hope you have a wonderful day, night or afternoon and stay safe <33 love you guys bye!
-Aza (Author)

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