Angst - Valentines

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*...* action/doing smth
{...} calling with someone

shirabu's pov:
It's gonna be Valentines Day soon, and nearly everyone has a date except me, semi, tendo, ushijima-san and goshiki. i plan to ask semi out and tendo plans to ask ushijima-san out. goshiki said that he'll ask someone to be his Valentine but they're from another school. do you guys think it'd be worth it? semi shows some 'interest' in me but he treats me like a kohai/friend overall. hm? oh yeah, yes im talking to you guys - dont tell the author though, she doesnt know im breaking the fourth wall for once, so shh, snitchrs get stiches. anyway, tendo says i definitely have a chance with him and that he'll definitely say yes, but i doubt it. something just screams that he wont. but we'll see at the party. oh yeah, i didnt tell you guys. we're having a party go celebrate valentines even if few of us dont have a date, its just for fun anyway. there will be games, food and drinks (obviously), gifts, chocolates or candies and edible flowers!! edible flowers are my favorite, they're just sweet and a delicious treat! yeah this is getting boring, aza lets skip

one, stop breakinf the damn fourth wall shira san
two, fine
time skip to when they (semi, ushi, tendo, and shira) go hang out together

shirabu changed into his outfit for the hang out, while rehearsing on what to say to semi.
"okay *inhale, exhale*" he looks into his mirror and opens his mouth to say somethinf when his phone started ringing

Incoming call from ten-ten 🤡

Accept                Decline

he got his phone and pressed Accept
{shiraboo!! Are you heading to **** yet?}

{not yet, why? am i late?}

{no, not at all! im just alone at **** because i misread the time and now im bored}

{oh- tendo you idiot, come to my house}

tendo hangs up the call and shirabu continues to rehearse. 30 minutes later, shirabu hears rhe door ring and shouts "Come in!!" knowing its tendo. someone knocks on his door and opens the door. shirabu, who is shirtless, turns around expecting tendo, but sees semi instead.
"ah tend- AHH WTF SEMI WHY ARE U HERE GET OHR TF WHEN DID U GET HERE *insert more screaming*"

"WOAH WOAH CHILL SORRY-" semi goes back out the room and closes the door.
"sorry, didn't know you'd be shirtless.."

"that's why you wait for the person to say come in, jackass!"

"sorry, sorry! are u done puttinf on a shirt yet?"

"no not yet! stay there fir a bit"

"mkay!" shirabu hurriedly looked for somethinf to match with his pants and finally found one. he put on his white socks and opened the door to see semi leaning near tbe door frame, waitinf for him
"ah finally- oh wow, nice outfit shira!"

(shirabu's outift:)

(shirabu's outift:)

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"a-ah thanks.."
"so uhm why are you here?"

"oh yeah! i came to pick you up so we can go to **** together!"

"ohh alright.. lets go? I'll just get a water bottle and my phone then we can go"

"alright, I'll tell tendo and ushi that we'll be there in 10 minutes"

"oh yeah, ten is supposed to come here"

"oh yeahh, yeah i saw him on my here"

"really? why didn't you guys go together?"

"oh because he said he needed to go to ushi's house- so he said to tell you that-"

"he really ditched me for his boyfriend??? ouch??"

semi looked into his eyes, gave a somewhat flirty smirk and said
"aww dont worry shira-kun~ you have your senpai with you~" while slowly leaning into his face
(tHerE's jUst iNcheS iN beTweeN us- and yes ik its distance but ykyk)

"wo-woah!! hey, watch it!" shirabu pushes semi away and covers his face as it turns red.

"oh~? is shira-kun blushing?" shirabu just inhaled then exhaled, removed his hands and had the modt serious face ever.

"dont ever. do that again."

"alright, alright! sorry shira-kunn"

"stop with that name, please" shirabu says, as he heads to the door to put on his checkered shoes (the ones in the pic

"okay my kohai!" shirabu didnt reply, went out the door, waited for demi to go out and locked the door. they headed to **** and talked about whatever they thought of while heading there.

i wanna get to the party part so I'll just say what they did. when they got there, they decided to eat first because it was lunch time and they went to ger pizza, then an hour after that, they went to play laser tag. then they went to timezone and heck, it was chaotic but fun as hell. mid way of the hang out, ushiwaka asked tendo to be his valentine and date for the valentine party and he said yes. then the day ended, and semi suggested to walk shira home. I'll narrate this part bc its lovely yet sad hehe

as semi and shira got closer to his house, shira said "hey.. semi?"


"i uh.. got a question.."

"go ahead, spill"

"uh.. i was wondering if you'll be my valentine-?"

"*obviously in shock* oh uh- sure-"

"i kne- wait what, really?"

"uh yeah- wait uhm lets talk about it in chat, okay?"

"oh yeah sure, alright. bye then"

in chat


so uh, what did you want to talk about?:

:uh, I'm sorry but I'll have think about it.

ohh alright alright, I understand.:

:I'll give you my answr on sunday (its a friday for them rn)


time skip to Sunday

10:56pm, Sunday, Febuary 4, 2023.


:Hey, Shirabu. I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to say no. I really wanna focus on myself, school and on working out.

ohhh alright. dont worry its fine, i understand.:

"welp.. rip i guess? eh."

The end

hii!! this was supposed to be for valentines but got delayed. im so sorry there barely was any update. i hope you enjoy rhis tho! sorry if there was spelling mistakes, i did this at 4am (its 5:17am rn). this is actuallt based on an experience that happened to me, but i just changed a some things. some would say thats sad but I'd say its inspiration. and i dont really mind so yeah. hoeu guys had a great valentine tho!! thank you so much for 2.13k reads. stay safe, bye!

Word count: 1078 words

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