Angst - Heather

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First of all, no offense to anyone named Heather, this is only for the plot. Second, this will be like- the song "Heather" but added with some of my stuff-

I still remember....3rd of in your sweater...

"Oh Kenjiro, are you cold? Here I'll put my sweater on you.."

*blush* "..Thanks..."

"You're welcome! *smile* it looks better on you than it did on me"

You said it looks better on me than it did you..
Only if you much i liked you, but then again as she wa~lks by~ brighter than the blue~ sky..

"Woah....she's so..gorgeous.."

I look to Heather. Of course she is..and looks like you did fall for her...again. I wish i can just have myself. Where not even a single woman like Heather can get your eye..but of course, life isn't fair afterall.

"What a sight for sore eyes.."

"Brighter..than the blue~ sky...she's got you..mesmerized...while i....die.." i sigh and leave before he notices what he was doing and "apologizes"..

When Heather leaves

"Hey Kenji- *sees him missing* Kenjiro?!"

"*groans* what the fk do you want now?"

"Oh-! Kenjiro! I thought you left me-"

"I did. I just came back and was about to leave with my drink but you called me."

"Oh....uh Kenji?"

"*sigh* yes, Semi-san?"

"!! K-kenji?! Did i do something wrong??! Why'd you call me Semi-san instead of Eita?!"

"Hm lets were mumbling about how you wish to be Heather's boyfriend, you ignore me EVERYTIME Heather walks by or is near, AND YOU DONT EVEN DO WHAT YOU SAID YOU WOULD!!!" "...Kenjiro I'm so-" "Save it, Semi. Let's stoo this..relationship. It isn't doing anything to us. Oh, the sunset is beautiful, isn't it?.."

Time skip to years later

"Yo Shira!"

"Oh. Sup Tendo?"

"Nothin' much. When ys gonna get a bf?"

"Tendou i told you im never getting one again."

"Cmon Shiraaaa yk you cant let him stop you from dating.."

"He was my one and only love but clearly, im not h- *bumps into someone* oh im so sor-....Semi......"


"Dont call me that."

"Right..sorry...uhm listen. I wanna apologize about what happened and i hope we can be friends again.."


"Tendou shut up. Dont yoy dare tell him.."

"Alright alright~"

"I dint know if i wanna be friends again but we can....try?..."

"REALLY?! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU *hugs him tightly* hah i miss you.."

"..Semi let go please"

"O-oh right sorry"


Sorry i havent posted for weeks now. I finally finished my 4th quarter but i judt dont know what stories i should do. I think i get writers block everytime i try to write for you guys but uh that doesn't matter. Bye.

Word count: 476 words

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