Fluff - Sick - Part One

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Shirabu's POV:
I wake up and go to my kitchen to cook my breakfast and lunch for school. I set my phone down onto the table when I hear a ding from my phone. A notification from "Luv 💕"

Notification from Luv 💕 6:49am
Luv 💕
Hey Kenj, good morning! <3
Just to let u know, I'm not going to school today. Currently sick. Good luck w school, love you (*'˘'*)♡

He's sick? I thought. I open my phone and go to my messages with Eita.

Luv 💕

Luv 💕 : Hey Kenj, good morning! <3

Luv 💕 : Just to let u know, I'm not going to school today.

Luv 💕 : Currently sick. Good luck w school, love you (*'˘'*)♡

Me : Ur sick? Why? What did u do to get sick? R u ok rn? Do u need me to go and take care of u? Should I make soup? Should I come over rn??

(P.S: Shira doesn't type properly most of the time in this. He only does that when its important, school related, or with people he's not close to.)

Luv 💕 : Nono it's ok , im ok rn. Just slight fever, dw <3

Luv 💕 : I'm just not going so i dont infect u or the others, and to rest. Don't worry abt me rn, just prepare for school. Have u cooked ur breakfast and lunch yet?

Me : No..

Me : R u sure I don't need to go there? What if u hurt urself while ur sick?

Luv 💕 : Kenj, I don't think that's possible. Plus, its a slight fever. I'll be fine, promise. Now go prepare

Me : Okay..

Me : Bye, love you.. ❤

Me : Text or call me if u need smth. No hesitation.

Luv 💕 : Yes yessss

Luv 💕 : Love you too, bye ♡(*'ω`*)/♡
Read at 6:56am

I sigh and close my phone. I get some cereals for breakfast and cook lunch after. I shower and put on my school uniform. I make sure I have everything for school and head out. Half way there, I see Tendo and Goshiki.
"Hi Shirabu-senpai!!!" Goshiki practically screams.
"Where's Semi-senpai??"

"He's sick so he's not attending school for a bit"

"Oh, I hope he feels better soon!!" as soon as he said that, Tendo pops up and says

"Semi-Semi's sick? What happened?"

"I'm not sure either. But he told me not to worry since its just a slight fever so yeah.." worry could be heard in my voice.

"Don't worry Shiraboo! I'm sure Semi-Semi's fine!! We can even go and check up on him after school??"

"Yes, please. Thanks, Tendo-san"

"Anytime Shiraboo! Now, let's get going before we're late. The bell is about to ring!!!" As soon as Tendo said that, a bell could be heard from a distancr and rung. We all looked at each in a panicked state and ran for our lives to get to school. Thankfully we had a substitute so we didn't get detention.

Time skip to after school because school is boring lol

School had ended about 5 mintes ago so now we're heading to Eita's house.  It wasn't really far from school, just about 20 minutes away do it wasn't that tiring to walk there.

20 minutes later..

We finally reached Eita's house and stood by his door.
"Should we use his spare key, message him and let ourselves in or ring the doorbell but disturb him?" Goshiki asks.

"Message and spare key so that we wont get hit by a pan" Tendo says, as if he experienced it already.

"I- Did you break int-" I spoke but only to be cut off by Tendou.

"Yes, I used Semi-Semi's spare key without telling him and he thought there was an intruder so he took a pan and hit me.."

I stiffled a laugh, yet burst out laughinf with Goshiki anyway.

The door suddenoy swings open and we see a ash blond with puffy eyes
"AAAAAA--" Tendou and Goshiki suddenly scream due to surprise.

As soon as I saw his hair, I hugged him.
"Eita! Are you okay? Are you feeling better?? Are you still sick? Do you need food? Should I stay for a whi--"

"Kenj I'm okay, don't worry!"

To be continued..
Hi! Yes, I'm still alive lol. Sorry I haven't updates and shiz, been really busy. I hope this is ok for now?? And also thank you so much for 1.21k reads!!! Last time I checked it was only 700+ 💀💀

But that's all for now, thanks! Stay safeee


Word count: 759 words

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