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" Sometimes you just
Need the shoulder
To cry out your worries"

She woke up as the effect of the medicine subsides, a hissed left from her mouth as she felt her body stiff, her eyes went out to her side, there he is sleeping, oh how she wanted to wake up every morning beside him, she could do anything for that, she rubbed her thump slightly wanting to fill him, it's so long they didn't touch each other a sobbed comes next which she tried to control, he wakes up suddenly gazing at her who turned her face to the next side, he unclasped his hand and she cried harder, she knew somehow if he wakes up he would go far away from her again, she curled up her body giving herself some warmth.

" sana" he called her putting his hand on her cheek which she holds with her shivering hand, the tears rolled out from his eyes too, she was suffering living in the same house and he didn't care to look out for her, however, it's not easy for him too, to forget everything, he loved her too much, way too much, then why God put them in this plight which seems never-ending to them, the pain worsens every single second.

Ankush made his way inside the hospital room while sidharth withdraw his hand looking at his tall figure, he went out from the room closing the door on his way.

" How are you??" he questions caressing her hair lovingly.

" He hates me, he hates me" she whispered hugging him, gripping his court tightly on her dainty fingers.

" Shhh it's okay, okay baba, he still loves you, you don't know how he looked at me at the court" she nodded in a no still clutching him and she fainted again because of the crying.

" you know I loved her, I did at one point, I reached to that point where I think I would kill you if you became in-between" Ankush expressed standing beside sidharth in the parking area who was smoking his tension out.

"I know when I looked at you on the railway station, you were heading over love with her" they fell silent for some time.

" you had a chance to marry her, you know I couldn't able to reach there as your man's we're there to stop me" sidharth questioned.

" I can, I shifted the date also but one look at her and I know I can't do that, we were best friends till that alliance was fixed by our families, and I entered this business a world where power excited you the more, same happened with me and even I didn't realise when our friendship lose in the process however when I saw her with you all happy, being herself I felt jealous, that was something we both were, and a sudden desire to take her away from you arises, I became a villain" he chuckled.

She was seated in the mandap ready in a beautiful red colour lehnga besides Ankush, the face held no expressions, no emotions were depicted from her eyes, she followed everything which priest was saying, he gazes at her every step, he expected her to rebel like always, she was a girl who rebels if she doesn't like anything, not the girl who followed everything and the thought shaken him, he stands in between the ritual, taking the hold of her hand he pulled her to stand, he took her to her room closing it with a thud, he rubbed his face.

" you don't want to marry me then why didn't you rebel against it," he asked pushing her body on the wall, caging her in between him and the wall.

" speak up sana please, why we're you following things" he begged, she pushed him.

" you want to marry then do it, stop asking questions, you were the one who made me do this, you were the one who sent goons to kill him, but listen to me maybe my body would be yours but I couldn't, never" she yelled sitting on the floor, he sat beside her.

" it's so wrong, I became mad, it's not me, I was never like that," he said slapping himself, again and again, the tears fall out carelessly" sana grabbed his hands stopping him, putting her head on his shoulder, she let out the tears.

" We were best friends, why do you do this?" she asked.

" I don't know, it was so foolish, I fall in love with you, I do and it hurts when I saw love for him in your eyes," he confessed.

" toh krle shadi" she said.

" kar leta par it's so hard to be a villain of your best friend love story, I tried to force my love becoming an ass to you for a while when you need me I was busy in the meetings, maybe fucking some random women but jab to gayi it's when I realised its something more than that and the jealousy comes when I saw your photo with him"

" I am sorry," she said.

" no you don't need to be, I love you, you love him and you deserve him to be with you, he is far better than me, he may not love more than me as I am leaving you for him and women it's so painful trust me, it is," he said, she hugged him, he pushed her many times before finally giving up.

" go marry your idiot love"

" tu dost rhega near??" she asked.

" I need time to settle down my feeling but whenever you want me I would be their for sure"....

" you didn't buy my lie at the court," Ankush asked.

" no, I trust her more than anyone, she never cheats me"

" she needs you, be with her please, jo bhi hua it's so hurtful, par I don't want in all this we lose her and stop hurting yourself, it was destined to happen"

" This thing doesn't suit you" he commented while he laughed.

" so thik hai I am fine to land my shoulder to her to cry her worries out"  he smirked.

" stay away from my wife"

" but you are divorcing her, it's okay I would love to marry her"

" fuck off" sidharth replied showing his middle finger to him.
The car ride to the home was quiet, they didn't talk at all, entering the house which was their dream house, they decorated every corner by themselves, every single thing of this house speaks memories, he closed the door entering into the house, she goes in there room but was hers from quite some time, he comes very less here, and if comes he used spare bedroom for his use, she freshened up wearing the loose t-shirt and shorts, trying her hair in a bun, she came back in the hall where she finds him still there cooking an omelette and tea, his eyes were sleep driven, he aged more in past six months she thinks analysing him,

" eat it, you have to take medicines after that" he ordered, she doesn't say anything following his order silently, she missed this, his care, his pampering, his love, he didn't expect her to eat silently without a tantrum then he realises how much vulnerable she is, she is eating like a baby, the sauce remains at the corner of her lips, he silently watched her seeping his tea when unexpectedly his hands wipe out the sauce from the corners of her lips, they both look into each other eyes, wanting so much more than this though unable to say, he closes the gap between them, his hands caressing her cheeks softly, the touch he missed, the emotions, she holds his hands, they were talking with each other through eyes, there were so much to say but the words never left, the doorbell breaks their moment, he kissed her forehead ever so lovingly before going towards open the door, she took a deep breath, the closeness she experienced after so much time, the shivered ran through her body, the only man who make her react like this with his small touch.

She saw him coming back with the suitcase, he entered their room, opening the bag, he starts placing his clothes in the vacant section, she didn't use his section, leaving as it was before, he falls in love with the way this woman loves him, she saw him leaning on the door, admiring her man, they didn't speak much but this silence doesn't make her vulnerable, it was soothing, calming to her soul.

Sidharth noticed her leaning on the door with the side of his eyes, he feels good, good to come back where he belongs, he never gone from there, his things were there like he wants, the maid exactly comes at the same time which he told her to, the freeze still has the vegetables he preferred, the ingredient he loves in his food, all we're same, the newspaper still comes and he knew she didn't read it at all, it's him who read it, the bathroom still has the soap he liked, the fragrance she used on her was loved by him, everything is same but not them...

"Love never ends,
It's situations which
Makes you apart"

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Sakshi ❤️

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