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" Nothing is perfect
Life is messy
Relationship is complex
Outcomes are uncertain
People are irrational"

" five years before I never think about opening my publication house, my life was chaos and not the beautiful one, it was a disastrous, an awful nightmare but my mother told me that this is all life about facing the difficulties, finding happiness in sadness, a light in the darkness, my book didn't get a good response and even I found them cliche, I just write what other publication house demands sacrificing my real point of view, my writing skills for earning hefty amount they were paying but I was not in peace, writing is something which makes me feel complete and I didn't write further which landed me in the court and huge amount of penalty and I am proud to say that for complete two years my wife, my companion, my partner run the house all by herself, we had fights, arguments but she never backed off, the two ladies of my life guided me, they tolerate my tantrums, I was so tough to handle and one incident, one night of my life gave me the answer what I want in my life"

" what do you want, do you wanna kill yourself" sana yelled pulling a bottle of alcohol from his hand.

" you know how much it costs??" she asked.

" oh ya here we go, the amount, I know you are earning and I am not that doesn't mean you bossing me around, telling me what to eat or not"

" I will do it again and again, I am not investing to see your sloshed self every night I come back to this room"

" then get yourself a new room, I know you can do that, after all, you have so much money" he taunted.

" what about getting myself a new partner" he came dangerously close to her sandwiching her in between the wall and himself.

" you all women are the same, you want to marry some rich man and enjoy on his money and when that same husband wasn't able to satisfy your need find another, after all, you have your figures and charm for that" she pushed him.

" his money" she scoffed.

" his money her money, I don't care sidharth and no one should do, a marriage is a companionship where two-person solve their problems together, fights with them together, if I was drinking that much which affecting my health and may cost my life, you let me do because you earning enough money, do you?? Tell me??, what's important for me is your health, are you, khuch saal pehle tak I didn't think twice to spend money but the situation teach me in the best way, I love you, jo tum ho uske liye, not for your money, I am standing here ready to support you in every circumstance but you are ruining yourself with your bare hands, if you don't have any idea don't force yourself to write, take a break, let the story comes to you, in the meantime, you may help me, you have so much knowledge about business, let's settle this first"

" What did you say??" he asked.

" you may help me"

" before that??"

" don't force yourself, let the story comes to you" he lifted her in his arms twirling.

" What happened??" she asked when he settled on the bed with her in his lap.

" let the story comes to me, I know what to do, I know what gives me pleasure and satisfaction, I need your help" she looked at him confused.

" I want to write our story, the journey in the train, our journey of falling in love while travelling," He said kissing her all over the face.

" aur??" she asked knowing there is something left unsaid.

" I want you to invest in my business idea" he demanded.

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