my friendx21

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Sketch pov

days have gone buy. My lip is healing and well. Shawn and I have became really good friends. We hang out a lot and talk on the phone. Just thinking about him makes me smile.

I got home from school seeing my mom in the kitchen

"Hi mom" I say kissing her cheek

"For once you come home right after school" she says

"Yeah well Shawn had to go make up a test or something" I say

"You've been hanging out with that boy for a while now. What's up" she says smirking.

My mom is in a good mood today. Which I always take advantage of and just talk to her. Because to be real here. She's the closest I have to having a to having a true friend.

"Nothing. We're just friends" I say hiding a smile but failing

"You like him don't you" she says just staring at me

"Is it that noticeable" I say

"Well that's all you talk about" she says

It was a little silent for a while when I started realizing

"Hey mom. Do you not work?" I ask

"No" she sighs "I got laid off a few weeks ago" she finishes

"What?!" I say "and you never told me?!" I say

"You never asked. But now I could just pick up Ethan and come home make food for you guys" she says

I didn't understand why my mom never said anything but those were my parents. Sigh


Shawn's pov

*Next morning*

I was getting my books from my locker then closed it. I had a minnie heart attack when I saw junior just standing by my locker as I closed it.

"you scared me" i say with a small chuckle

Junior didn't laugh nor smile. It was strange seeing him not smile. He's one of those people that smiles for no reason and is always happy.

"is something wrong?" i ask

"are you playing with Sketch?!" he asks

"what? of course not. Sketch and I are just friends" i say

"Don't hurt her. Or i'll hurt you" he said and left

I let out a breathe that I didn't even know i was holding

"boo!!!!" came someone hugging me from the back. I already new it was Sketch

"hi sketch" i say

"what's wrong??" she asks

damn. was it that noticeable

"junior is pretty over protective of you. isn't he" i say

her face got serious

"what did he tell you" she says sternly

"nothing just that he doesn't want me to hurt you or something...." i say

"Don't listen to him" she says just shaking it off

the bell rang and we both walk in our first period class since we have the same class. We take our seats and every once in a while i'll turn back to see her and she'd make a funny face.

she made me smile. She's very different. She's adorable. the way she lifts up her glasses from slipping down her nose, the way she laughs, the way she talks about sport like if she were a sports reporter, the way her green eyes twinkle

I know i want to be with her.... but i don't know how to tell her. i don't even know if she likes me for crying out load. i just hope i won't get stuff in the friend zone. smh


After school i ran to Sketch's locker and thankfully she was still there

"oh. Hi Shawn" she said with a smile

"hi sketch. Want to come to the guitar room with me.. I'll be practicing... there's other people there too" i ask

"sure!!!" she says with a smile

she gets her stuff and follows me to the back of the school where the guitar glass is.

Sketch pov

When i'm with shawn i can't help but smile all the time. He makes me smile. the way his hair looks so soft you want to pet it 24/7, the way he gets shy and looks down and blushes, or his smile, his smile is the best of all

I finally confess myself that I like Shawn. I can't keep lying to myself. But c'mon i'm pretty sure he doesn't like me

I followed him to the back of the school. We enter the guitar class. there were a few other kids and the guitar/chorus teacher mr. kyle he's pretty cool and always compliments my newspapers when he walks by me. There were some kids smoking in the back corner which made me cringe my nose. Another kids was practicing the drums and another on the guitar and one girl on the piano

"you could sit where ever" Shawn says

I take a seat in the side next to some boy who was just strumming on his guitar. I take out my sketch book and wonder what I should draw. i look around and see Shawn. i smile and he smiles back. Mr. kyle was helping him out with something' i think singing.

i then automatically start drawing Shawn. his soft hair, his smile, his chocolate brown eyes. I smile through the whole drawing. i only messed up about 6 times which is a record because drawing people is REALLY hard. After an hour Shawn was done and I was done with my drawing and I was happy to show him.

"hey ready to go?" he asked

i nodded and put my stuff away. we walked out of school and i handed him the drawing

"here" i say

"woah.... Sketch...... THIS IS AWESOME" he said

i smile and he seemed very amazed

"you are one talented girl" he said putting one arm over my shoulder

We then drove off to the local pizza place and goofed around and laughing

Empty (Shawn Mendes)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz