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Sketch POV


the bell finally rang.

I pack my things and leave the class room

"Friday" I sigh

I rush out to the front of the school I walk as quick as I can

"Gotta get home gotta get home" I mutter to myself

I open my front door and it's empty

"MOM" I yell

"Hey. Go get dressed we are meeting your dad at you aunts house" my mom says coming out of her room

"But I was going to go like this" I said

She looks me up and down

I was wearing a kiss t shirt that used to be my moms when she went to there concert ages ago and a pair of jeans and my worn out black converse. With my hair loose and cube shaped glasses.

"No you need to look nice" my mom said

"But the boys might play football and I want to play with them"i said

My mom sighed "why do you want to play? They're boys. Playing boy games. Don't you think people would think you're weird? What will your friends think?" My mom says getting close to me

"I enjoy being with my cousins playing football. I don't care what people think because it won't change anything" I answer

My mom looks at me dead in the eye

"Can I take clothes to shower and change over there after we finish playing" I asked to make her feel better

"Fine" she said

She went back to her room and I went into mine

I took out a bag and put a simple maroon long sleeve shirt in there and a pair of leggings with my brush perfume and undergarments.

My mom walks in to my room

"What are you packing" she says looking at the clothes I put in

She sighs

"Why don't you wear something more fancy" she asks

"We're just going to aunt Judy's house" I say

"Yes. But she got a nice house and we want to look nice to" she says which made no sense to me

I sigh

"Here wear this" she says picking out one of Grace's old dresses.

It's black with lace around. It covers my shoulders and up my knee. My mom got a pair of her heels. Which were pretty big but sure to walk in since I've used them before. They were black as well.

"There" she said

I sighed

"You would get mad if grace wore this" then totally regret saying that.

Her smile went a away and she frowned.

"WEAR WHAT YOU WANT THEN!!!!" She yelled at me and left slamming the door


I was in my room writing an essay for school for the third time. Making sure no spelling errors. That I was making sense. Using big word to sound mature and that it was neat.

"Turn it down" I yelled at grace in annoyance

"I'm beginning to feel like a rap god-" she sings

"GRACE SHUT UP" I yell at her

She turns off the music at looks at me real mad

"What?!?" She says

"I'm doing homework" I tell her

"You wrote that shit like five times princess" she says sarcastically

My mom walks in to the room

"Why are you guys yelling"

"Ask little miss perfect who won't let me hear my music" Grace says

"You can hear it but don't have it all loud" I answered in annoyance

I didn't mind the music. We both liked eminem.

"Grace, stop being so grouchy. Look at you. You're always in a bad mood always wearing black and don't you think you wear to much eyeliner" my mom asks

Grace rolls her eyes

And it was true. She wore black dresses shirts Jeans leggings skirts shoes sweaters. And exaggerated her eyeliner then I started doing that but stopped when Grace died.

She was a rebel to be real here

My mom left with out a word


"Hey. Sketch. Wake up" grace was shaking me

"What" I groaned rubbing my eyes

"Get dressed we're going out" she said

"Huh?" I question


I got dressed

"Where are we going?" I asked

"Let my do your make up" she said

"Um?????" I didn't know what to say. I thought eyeliner was stupid

She ended up sitting me down and putting eyeliner under my eyes. It looked cool

"Where are we going" I asked

"With Matthew" she said

Opening the window of our room

"Wait. Mom and dad don't know?" I said

"Let's just go princess" she says

I ended up going with her. And walked to a pizza place.

I saw all the boys who used to be my friends Nash Cameron Matthew Shawn carter Aaron Taylor jack and jack. Now they were grace's friends

We walk towards them and Grace jumps in to Matthew's arms and kisses him.

Ew. I thought to myself. That's my twin sister. Like she has my face and she's kissing one of my ex best friends.

I looked away in disgust

"Hey Sketch"shawn says shyly

"Hi" I say softly

"Want to play in the arcade with me" he asked blushing. He was adorable.

I nodded smiling and followed him

It was actually fun that day

xx end of flashback xx

"SKETCH VA MANOS (let's go)" my mom yelled

I walked out of the house with Ethan and my mom to the car a drove to aunt Judy's house.

Ethan was excited to see our cousin Johnny who is his age to play with him and stuff. And I can't wait to see my little nephew tommy who's 6 months old.

AUTHORS NOTE: so so so sorry I haven't updated. I use to write on my iPod then it didn't want to work. The date and time weren't working and it wouldn't connect to wifi. And it wouldn't let me hear music. It would just turn of by itself.

But I got a phone. The iphone6 gold for Christmas 💖💖💖💖 and now I can update. I'm sorry people. But now I will try an update more since I'm in vacation.

-Itzel :x

Empty (Shawn Mendes)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz