What a monday x2

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Sketch POV

My mom drives my brother and I to school.

We pass my school and drive to Ethan's school. My mom doesn't like to stop at my school and drops me off at the elementary and I walk to my school.

So that's what I did. Ethan and I say bye to my mom and I take Ethan to the gate of the school. I then walk to my school going by my usual short cut through the rich houses. Admiring how beautiful they are.

I put on my ear buds hearing jealous by nick Jonas

I check the time and see it's 7:50

"Shoot" I mutter to myself

I walk faster trying to get to school

I finally I mAke it to the huge building full of teenage kids and old teachers.

I walk up the steps of the build almost tripping and hear someone chuckle behind me

I quickly turn seeing it was some stupid jock

I keep walking and head to my locker and quickly opening it and getting my favorite gray sweater since I forgot it in Friday.

I put it on a suddenly feel warmer.

I grab my history text book and close my locker accidentally getting my sweater caught in to the locker. Great

I put in my combination again and the bell rings. No.

I finally open it and close it and speed walk to class.

I quickly make it and not late.

What a bad luck Monday

Mrs. Simpson walks in to the class when I'm already seated in the back corner sitting alone

She starts the lesson as students didn't pay attention. Im pretty sure I was the only one who actually was

"Mr caniff stop interrupting my class and sit in the back next to her" mrs Simpson says pointing at me

Yeah I guess my name is her now

I started getting nervous. Taylor gets on my nerves. I can't stand him

He smirks at me as he sits next to me

"I know you"

I clench my jaw. And ignore him

"Your one of the news paper writer huh" he says

I ignore him

"Yeah well no one gives a shit about the news paper really. Who reads them really" he says

I pick up my glasses from slipping down my nose which is actually a habit since I've worn glasses since kindergarten.

Taylor mimics my action

"So what's your name" he asks

I roll my eyes

"You don't talk much now do you" he says

The class took forever hearing Taylor not shutting up.

x skip to 3rd period x

"Hey sketch happy monday" my friend Elena sarcastically says

She sits In one of the office chairs as I walk in to the news paper room. We're really the only ones who run the news paper and school website page.

"Hi" I sigh putting my back pack down

Elena is about 5'10 as I'm 5'8. She has black reddish hair and she's more pale than me. She's kinda popular. But only because she hangs out with the popular group. But they annoy her.

Empty (Shawn Mendes)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz