Happy x30

130 7 6

Sketch POV

"Mom I'm leaving" I say walking in to the living room.

"Okay sweetheart. Got everything" she asked

"Yup" I say

"Sun screen, towel, shades, phone-"

"Mom. I got it" I cut her off giggling

"Okay honey" she says with a smile.

"Hey sketch. Dad and I are going to the park and shoot some hoops. Want to come?" Ethan asked running in

"No thanks Ethan. I'm going out" I say

"Ooooohhhhh. With Shawn" he says with a wink

"Yes with Shawn" I laughed.

"Well other people are going to right young lady" my dad said coming in to the kitchen.

"Yes dad, many other people" I laugh

"Good" he said which made me laugh.

I was so happy in my home. I felt like I can express myself, talk, laugh, have fun. Not like I was at some prison. It was all okay now. Just like before.

Shawn knocked on the door and I opened it

"Ready" he asked

"Yup" I say happily

"Shawn. I want her home by 7:00" my dad said patting him in the back of his shoulder

Shawn looked very nervous "yes sir" he said

"Don't worry Shawn. He won't actually hurt you" my mom said smiling.

"Yeah. This. Retired boxer who won the championship 5 years in a row won't hurt you" my dad said

"Gosh dad stop scaring him. We're leaving now" I say pulling Shawn outside

"REMEMBER 7:00 OKAY" my dad yelled as we get in the car and drive away

Shawn let out a breath I laughed

"Sorry if my dad scared you" I giggle

He laughed nervously.

After about 15 minutes we get to a lake. We see all the guys (also junior) and other people from my school.

For a good hour. We were just messing around and having a bar-b-Q

"Hi. I'm Ali" a girl said coming up to me. "Oh. Hi." I say awkwardly

"You're sketch right" she said. I nodded my head. We started talking. She was pretty cool. And funny. She had black short wavy hair and big hazel eyes.

I saw Elena look at me. She gave me dirty look. I smiled

Ali looked at what I was looking at

"Are you friends with Elena?" She asked

"Nope" I smile

"Ugh. I hate her" she says

"No way! Me too!!" I say. And that was the start of a new friend ship.

Shawn came behind and wrapped his arms around my waist

"Shall we get in the lake" he said in my ear

"Okay" I laugh.


"Stop splashing" I giggle

Shawn went under water.

"Shawn?" I said

Someone tugged my leg and I screamed

He laughed.

"Not funny" I laugh

"Then why are you laughing" he laughed

He grabbed me and I put my arms around his neck and my legs wrapped around his waist.

"I love you" he said

"Love you too" I said. He pulled me in and out lips move in sync

"Ew. NO PDA" Nash screamed and we laugh

I let go of him and splash him

"Hey" he said chasing me around the water and I laugh trying to get away.

He finally catches me "you're not escaping from me. You will always be with me. Always" he said and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands placed on my waist.

He was mine. I will never let go. He's the best. I truly do love him. And will always love him

AUTHORS NOTE: 😫😫 I can't believe it's over.

I hope you guys liked it. I really had fun writing this story. Thank you everyone for reading it. And I just checked I have 1.12k readers. Tysm you guys are the best 😘😘

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Will be writing a Cameron Dallas fan fiction soon ;) stay tuned

-Itzel :x

Empty (Shawn Mendes)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz