Dont feel bad for mex4

210 8 2

Sketch POV

I get up at 5:00AM and make coffee for my dad and take a shower like usual.

I get ready for school wearing my Mexico jersey 'chicharito 14' in the back. I put on light washed jeans and tuck in my shirt into the jeans.

I wear usual beat up black chuck Taylor's. I put on my old grey sweater that I always wear and comb my long brown hair.

I put on my cube prescription glasses and get my black jansport back pack.

I grab an apple and leave to school with my brother and mom.

I walk in to my first period class. Shawn notices me enter the class and comes up to me.

"So. I'll meet you in front of the school after school. Right?" shawn says with an award winning smile

I happen to stare a little to long at his beautiful face. Wait? what did I just say?

"Huh um y-yeah. I'll see you then" I say and the late bell rang and class started

x skip to 4 period x

I walk in to the newspaper room.

"Hey. Are they ready?" I ask Elena

"Yup but since not most people buy the newspaper there's only 8,000" Elena explains

"Fine" I sigh

We go out and put them in the box and lock them up. (You put in 25¢ and the box window opens to get one)

"We always get a bunch of left overs" I sigh

"Yup" Elena says

"So. Want to go to the movies after school or do you have to play video games again" Elena asks referring to the other day

I sigh

"I have to go to Shawn Mendes house because we have a project assigned together" I explain

"Yikes. That's messed up since you don't like him" Elena says as we walk back to the news paper room

"Not just that. I have at least one of those boys in each of my class" I groan

"Well let me just tell you, You have the most bad luck" she says

"I know" I fake cry

For the rest of the period I was finishing my drawing of a garden and Elena was on her phone.


The bell rang for lunch and Elena and I walk out together

"So when are you actually free?" Elena asks me

"Um. Well my mom wants me to 'socialize' more. And since my dad is never home he doesn't care and well...." I sigh

"What?" Elena says

"You don't watch sports or play video games" I say

"You sound like a boy right now" she says

"We should watch the next Mexico game together" I say

"Ugh why" she asks

"Because chicharito is hot" I say like it's obvious

She rolls her eyes

"Well I'll see you later bye" Elena says

I see her leave with her friends and I sigh.

I go outside to the field (we can hang out there and boys play football or soccer)

I sit in a tree and watch boys play football. Hey. Free game right?

I pretend my sister Grace is next to me and explain what's happening in the game.

Sounds crazy huh. I know. Probably why people don't talk to me.

"Who are you talking to?" says a voice from behind me

I look but and see a boy with light brown hair. Matthew Espinosa

"Oh uh. Um just. W-watching t-the g-game" I say

He sits next to me.

"I'm Matthew" he smiles

" I know" I say lowly

"Right um. so. You like soccer" he asks pointing to my shirt

"Fútbol" I correct

He puts his hands up In surrender

"Sorry" he says

I nod and smile at his sarcasm

"Do you still draw?" Matthew asks me

"Why do you care?" I ask him

"Well Um since you're sister- um- sorry" he says awkwardly

I sigh

"You can leave. You're wasting your time. Go with you're friends" I say looking down

"No it's not tha-" I cut him off by getting up and leaving

I don't want someone to come up to me and talk to me just because they feel bad for me.

I go in to the girls bathroom and thankful no one is in here.

I wipe my face from tears running down my face


"What do you mean you have no friends. I'm you're friend" Grace tells me

"But you have a lot of friends a crowd of them. I'm lucky if one person talks to me" I say crying

"What about the boys Matthew, Shawn, Nash, Cameron, Aaron, Taylor, Carter, jack and jack. You guys always play soccer or football" Grace says

"But that's the only thing. Why don't I have friends that are girls. Like they're so boring wanting to just fantasize about fricken Justin Bieber" I say

(Sorry no offense to any beliebers. Love you guys)

She giggles

"Because girls are stupid. Like us. We're stupid" she says with a silly face making me laugh

"We're only 13 don't listen to those girls that call you a boy. You will see you're going to be awesome in life. Don't you see. We're fucking awesome already" Grace says making me laugh

"So don't be a poo. You have friends to okay" she says

"Okay" I smile


I wipe my tears from the memory.

"I need you so much Grace" I mumble to myself

I wash my face so you won't notice I cried I put I make my face look happy as I am not really.

Every time you fake smile a happy fairy dies

I remember what Grace tells me and just find a reason to smile and stick with that

Empty (Shawn Mendes)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz