Chapter FIVE

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Elena Shaw's (POV)

Holding the tiny girl against my chest I keep bouncing her and kissing her head as I feel her body go completely limp as she falls asleep. She must have been so overwhelmed with everything this morning and just now seeing herself cleaned after so long. I would feel the same in such a state, what shocks me more so Is she is eighteen but in a child's body. Shivering I don't know how she feels, I have heard of the genetic disorder but never met anyone with it until now. but never in my life had I thought they could be so little, I mean I have heard of them stop ageing at nine or eleven but never so young as she is and then I don't even know for sure what her body's age is she looks two to three-years-old, but I think she is more four or five.

It's all so confusing but looking at us through the mirror I can't help but love seeing us together. It has been so long since I held a baby, a child or a little at that the feeling is nostalgic, kissing her head again as I feel her snuggle more into me I sigh and look her over in the mirror I got glimpses of her body but nothing major yet I can tell she Is malnourished probably starving and not able to eat regularly living on the streets then I spotted several old scars but that was it. as I promised not to look at her, but I do hope she will be ok, though we just officially met I hope she will stay and let me get her back to health.

I can't just let her go back on the streets and then her saying she was eighteen I know she is an adult but what do you do in situations like this where the person is in the body of a child. Knowing I need to research the condition I just keep it in my mind for later also knowing Kelly is going to have and aneurysm finding out as well. Smiling at that thought I role my eyes rubbing Esme's back and patting her bottom as I used to with Jenny when she was little or just upset. I miss my baby so much this morning has been hard with Esme's tiny stature and mannerisms I don't know if she's a little even in her state, but she did seem to slip a few times. Then when she used Jenny's old stepping stool to wash her hands I about died, I haven't been able to get rid of a lot of Jenny's things even her nursery is still together, yet I haven't been in there since the accident. Shivering I shake my thoughts and go grab one of my light throw blankets, wrapping it around Esme I walk out of my room and down stairs.

Kelly and I had breakfast already since Esme slept in late its almost nine and I know once she wakes she will probably be hungry yet with her not getting regular meals I know I can't give her something big. So, I look in the fridge and sigh seeing some yogurts and a few other light things she can eat. Settled I go into the living room and turn the TV on low volume and find my favorite show "Two Broke Girls" as it starts playing I go and grab my phone off the charger before settling us on the couch, just as I get settled my phone buzzes, so I look at the messages and role my eyes. But I smile opening it reading what Kelly said chuckling lightly I reply back saying, "All is good dork and I have some things to tell you about my tiny guest."

Sending it I wait and look down at Esme snuggled up against my chest, she Is so cute and now that she is cleaned up she looks even more like and angel. Hearing the buzzing again I smile and read her text that says, "That is good love and what do you mean?" sighing I text back, "Will explain in person this evening dear have a good day love you also bring back food when you come I don't want to cook later." After she texts back agreeing I lay my phone on my side table and go back to watching Esme sleep along with my show. Knowing she needs sleep yet I don't want her to not be able to sleep later I only let her sleep an hour and half before waking her so she can eat.

Esme Knight's (POV)

Feeling myself being shaken a little and someone saying something I yawn and whimper, groggily I wine out, "N-No seep." Reaching up I rub my eyes and snuggle back into the warmth I am surrounded by when I hear her smooth voice chuckle and say, "Wake up baby I can't let you sleep all day, come on sweety wakey, wakey." Grumbling I blink and rub the sleep out of my eyes once I open them and can see my surroundings I freeze up at first seeing Elena above me and I realize she is holding me. Blushing I whimper and look around in slight panic as I try to get out of her arms, but she holds me closer and rocks me saying, "Shh sweety you're ok, do you remember what happened?" blinking I sniffle and look up at her stopping my squirming as she just smiles down at me and caresses my cheek saying, "It's ok baby I got you yeah." Sniffling again I nod whimpering out, "S-Sorry." She frowns asking, "Why honey? you have nothing to be sorry for." Blinking I feel her wipe my tears away and I really want to just keep staying snuggled in her arms she doesn't seem to mind but then again I don't know her yet. She rubs my back saying, "You fell asleep baby after seeing yourself in the mirror hmm I know that must have been really painful after not being clean for so long."

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