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(Time Skip 1'ockock p.m. Rome, Italy)

The Fixer's (POV)

I have not heard from Dorell since she told me not to come to Rome, but that bitch has been controlling most of my moves the last few years. That I am done with listening to her and her shit I also have not heard from the wheezing, sniveling little shit of a hacker of hers because I know he would know the moment I land here in Rome. Finishing a glass of scotch, I look over the city from my hotel room I have been here three days and have yet to find or see the little flower and the other two women. Growing frustrated, throwing the glass against the wall I smirk as it shatters and the last drops of scotch role down the wall. Growling I grab my phone dialing the weasel, listening to the ring tone longer that four times I grip the phone tighter before hanging up. frowning that little fuck never misses a call something is wrong here. going through my contacts I find my guy Joe and hit dial, waiting I settle against the wall until I hear his gruffy voice growl out, "What is it?!"

Rolling my eyes I take a breath saying, "Dorell and the weasel are not answering their phones and I know dam well that little fuck would know I was here in Rome and Dorell would have sent some goons after me so find out where the fuck the two of them are and call me back!" hanging up I role my eyes and fix another glass of scotch before going over some of the file I had put back on Dorell including some of her bank accounts I know that bitch was skimming more from us as we worked for her!

(Time Skip 3'oclock p.m. Seattle, Washington.)

Kelly Willow's (POV)

We landed just after three and got settled in the suite at my hotel next to my usual suite which my parents are in they have been going around to my clubs checking up on the businesses and have a good time this last week though some problems came up they didn't want to discuss on the phone. So, Elena and I decided to make Seattle our last leg of our vacation and when we told Esme this morning she was more that happy to be coming here. she even wants to go see the space needle and ride up in the elevator to the top, so we are going to be doing that tomorrow with my parents but as of right now her and Elena are out shopping at some of the shops near here.

I on the other hand have been at a meeting with my managers and parents at my club "Red", for the last hour and up about to ring some necks at what I am hearing and learning. Seems we have had some skimmers here not only at the club but the hotel as well as suspicion of a bigger robbery being planned by a few employees. To which I despise, people can be complete assholes even when being paid well. Not only do I pay all my employees above the minimum wage, but I also give big bonuses and holiday pay to everyone of them at each hotel and club that is over three thousand employees I take of not counting how much I pay my managing staff and those who take care of security and handle the money. Rubbing my temples, I look at my parents and my mom reaches over rubbing my leg. Sighing I settle back in my chair groaning as I look at Sasha Malchevic my friend and main manager of the two clubs "Blue" and "Red" here in Seattle.

Sigh I take a breath asking, "Sasha how has it gotten this bad in less than two months since I was here last and what about "Blue" has it been the same situation considering most employees go back and forth depending on their hours and days of the week?" she looks sick to her stomach, and I don't blame her, but I need this resolved and it pisses me off that in less than a full month I have been put through the ringer emotionally. She looks at Rylee her second in managing club "Blue" before taking a breath saying, "We have not noticed a change in the finances there and I have not been letting the employees rotate since Mike in our financial department discovered the missing money." Glad to hear this at least I reach for my glass of water taking a drink before putting it down nodding saying, "Good, now have either of you figured out which employees it should be simple since you cut the rotation?"

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