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(Time Skip Saturday Morning.)

Elena Shaw's (POV)

The last four days with my baby and Kelly has been amazing just us getting settled into a routine and us getting to know Esme more and vice versa. She has been so happy, and I have been as well getting to see her so relaxed and free, Thursday when Kelly went to her first therapy session I took my baby to see her two best friends Sarah and Gabe along with my friend and occasional private investigator Joyce. It seems her and Sarah have gotten closer other than being boss and employee which Esme and I are both happy for them. I also ended up hiring Gabe as head of custodial at my law firm after seeing how well he was doing with his other job. I could have given him a hire position but as of now he is finally just settling from living on the streets for so long.

As of this moment I am watching my baby girl sleep in her rocker while I am handling some work-related stuff since I have missed so much though we do plan to stay on vacation for another week or so and since my baby and love won't be working she chose to get her GED but mainly she just wanted that incase she wanted to be big for a certain amount of time. I told her I would give her small jobs when that comes around she was so happy. We both have gotten to know each other more as partner's, but have decided we will not go any further sexually until we have been together for at least a year or two which I am fine with. Though I can tell she is eager her eyes gets this glazed over euphoric look when we are making out or just the mention of something naughty comes up in conversation.

Finishing up the last of my emails and some financial scans on the company I save and log out of my work accounts just as I hear a ding and I sigh. Looking into my private and highly fortified email account I smile feeling goosebumps all over my body as I read that my friend Silas has gotten the Blackwell's locked up. chuckling under my breath I smirk and email back letting him know I will be there at nine tonight want this done but also wanting them to suffer for what they have been doing to children since they started fostering ten years ago. When Mitch got the rest of the information to me I also had Silas get the case workers that have been letting these sick "Oh's" have the care of children.

Mitch informed me that Julia and her team have already gotten all of the rest of the ring it being one of the biggest on this side of the world. Though its been linked to several in Europe, Asia, China, and Senegal I know they will get as much of them as they can though these types of situations take years to clean up. I am mainly glad to get those who hurt my baby. Looking over at her sucking on her dinosaur paci I blow her a kiss whispering, "Momma is going to take care of the rest of your nightmares baby, and they will never come back!" she just keeps that content milk coma face on as I clear my history and lock up my laptop. Sighing I grab my phone dialing Kelly and waiting for her to pick up.

(Time 9:20 a.m. Saturday.)

Kelly Willow's (POV)

Answering my phone seeing Elena call I smile saying, "Hey love how is the munchkin this morning?" she chuckles lightly before taking a breath, as I finish up painting the guest room I have been working on. Hearing her clear her throat I frown putting the brush down asking, "Len what is up?" I wait putting the lid on the paint can as she says, "I need you to watch Esme tonight dear around eight thirty until I am back home..." pursing my lips I frown setting down on the plastic covered floor saying, "Sure love you know I would love to watch her but what is going on?" she sighs and I know she is rubbing her neck as she finally speak saying, "I'll let you know after dinner tonight ok, what would that stomach of yours want for helping me out tonight hmm?"

Giggling I smile and stretch saying, "Hrmm you know me well let us see..." thinking I look around my now medium green walls as I hear her chuckle and I continue saying, "How about homemade chicken taco's and some of those amazing taquito's you make." She chuckles again and I smile knowing she is as well as she says, "Deal, Esme and I will see you around seven too seven thirty ok." Smiling I nod and role my eyes knowing she can't see me saying, "It's a date Len see you two tonight and kiss Esme for me I know she is probably still napping this morning." She laughs and we finish up our good byes. After laying my phone down I groan seeing I got some paint on it but shrug since I can just wash the case later. Jumping up I look around the room smiling and nod mumbling, "Another coat and a primer and you will be done my friend." Chuckling I walk out with the brushes to my bathroom down the hall to clean them up so I can find something to cook for lunch I could pop over to Len's, but I like to cook once in a while though I still slightly suck even with Len teaching me here and there.

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