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(Time Skip Monday Morning)

Kelly Willow's (POV)

I had a wonderful dinner last night with my mom and dad it has been awhile since we just talked, and I was glad we stayed away from all the touchy topics. Right now, we all just finished breakfast and I am going to spend the day with mom and dad while Elena and Esme spend the day and then later have a date of which Elena has yet to ask Esme. I think she is still super nervous, but I think she is going to ask once I am out with my parents though. This morning she seems not like herself, but I know not to bug her when she has that certain look on her face. Yawning for like the millionth time I stretch again; you would think it being eight in the morning I have a full stomach and slept like the dead last night that I would not be tired but nope as usual I am tired after having more than six hours of sleep. Chuckling in my head I look at Elena who just got done cleaning a messy little Esme up and I sigh, I love seeing them so happy.

Looking at my watch I smile knowing my mom and dad will be here any minute, so I look at Elena saying, "Hey love I am going to head out just call if something comes up yeah." She looks my way and gives me a slightly sad smile and I still wonder what has her out of sorts this morning but I know she will let me know when she is ready. Standing up I walk over and kiss Esme's head making her giggle before I hug Elena feeling her fall into me and I rub her back whispering, "Talk with me when you're ready I know something is bothering you." She tenses up before relaxing and patting my back saying, "I will dear now you go enjoy your time with your mom and dad and I am going to try and get big Esme to come out so I can ask her you know..." chuckling I kiss her head and step back nodding saying, "Enjoy your day and I will see you before bed." Nodding she smiles and I leave the moment I am outside the bungalow I take a deep breath and spot my mom and dad coming my way.

Laughing at my dad's latest Hawaiian shirt I walk over giving them both hugs as mom asks, "What you laughing at so early in the morning dear?" chuckling I kiss her cheek before stepping back with my arms on each of their shoulders saying, "Oh just dads retired, and vacation clothing style is all mom!" she laughs and dad does too shrugging saying, "Hey yours is quite bright too dear!" laughing I nod and sigh saying, "Well what do you expect hmm its vacation time." We start walking down the beach when mom asks, "So have you decided where you three are going next dear?" shrugging I nibble my lip saying, "I have so many option yet with my and Esme having injured wrists I don't want to go somewhere do dangerous or foreign if that makes since." They nod and dad pats my back saying, "Well here is an idea pick one main thing each of you like and see if you can put that towards your destination." Pursing my lips, I smile and lean over kissing his cheek saying, "You're the best dad!"

We all three laugh again as we are getting farther away from our bungalows, we decided to just have a walk then lunch at another little restaurant before taking a tour around the island. While Elena planned something similar with Esme though I don't know all except for the reservation for one of the most expensive restaurants on the island for later tonight. Smiling I can't wait to hear how their day and date went.

Elena Shaw's (POV)

Adjusting my baby on my hip I bounce her making her laugh as I take us outside to set on the patio swing under the canopies to enjoy the breeze and sun. she giggles playing with my hair as she usually does and I kiss her head sighing whispering, "I love you baby girl momma has a wonderful day planned for us but also I want to talk with my big girl if possible hmm." She looks up at me blinking and smiles that beautiful smile of hers before she hides her face in my chest and snuggles in. I have yet to bring up the fact that I am producing milk, I have had to sneak and pump when she is distracted or sleeping. Though I have slowly started giving her my milk as her bottle and she seems to love them both cold and warm so I am glad of that knowing once I bring it up she will be more comfortable. Chuckling in my head I blush and rub my baby's back sighing remembering last night's call and I just want to explode but my baby holds me at bay. Moving the swing to swing a little I hum a song as I try to figure out what to do first, I know I need to get protection for Kelly, but I know she will hate it I also have to tell her of which she will definitely hate and be pissed off at especially the part of Cody's death.

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