Chapter 4

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After washing his hair, Izuku towel dries it a bit before plugging in a blow dryer in the bathroom as the door opens to show his blonde wife. "Zu, what are you doing up? It's like 11 at night."

"I'm just going to finish up the glitter in the room and do some of my assignments. I won't overwork myself, okay?" Izuku explains as she nods slowly, watching as he drags a brush through his course hair with the blow dryer on low. Her eyes light up as he raises an eyebrow at the face she's giving him. "What?"

"Are you going to put your hair up...?" She bites her lip as he shows her the clip hairtie on the counter.

"Why do you like my hair up so much?" He sighs as he stops the blow dryer, grabbing the clip to messily tie his hair into a massive curly puff bun atop his head. Arms wrap around his waist from behind as he looks into the mirror to see his wife with semi-lustful eyes.

"Because it's hot and it defines your jawline. You look fucking sexy like this." She whispers into his ear as he shakes his head, turning around to face her; placing his hands on her shoulders.

"Babe, no. You're still recovering. Speaking of which, where's Akari?" He raises an eyebrow as she smiles at him.

"Inko stayed over to help for a few days, so Akari's in the room with her." She smirks as Izuku shakes his head, gently removing himself from his wife's grasp and exiting the bathroom. "Deku, come on! Please?"

"No, Kacchan. You can sit in the chair while I continue, okay?"



"Hey Midoriya-kun!" Ochaco smiles brightly as she bounces alongside him while making their way to the dining hall. "I heard that we're supposed to be getting some new students today. A girl and a guy."

"Oh? Isn't it a bit late into the course?" He questions as the brunette shrugs.

"Aizawa said that they're more than qualified to be here based off of their work. I wonder how'll they'll be since we're all already so close." She hums as Izuku nods slowly. "Anyways, is Sumi coming today?"

"Yeah actually... I forgot her exact reason for coming though, but she is." He shrugs as footsteps speed up towards the two as they glance behind them to see the blond with a ponytail, sweatsuit and a baby carrier carrying the bright green eyed baby.

"Deku, for the love of god... hold her, she keeps crying for you." The blonde sighs, removing the baby from the carrier while glaring at her. "You came out of me and this is the fucking thanks I get, Aku?"

"Stop calling her that! And why are you rushing through the halls? The doctor said-!" Izuku starts before she cuts him off, rolling her eyes.

"That I'm not supposed to be doing intense activity. I know, I know and I don't fucking care. She's driving me insane. We're staying the rest of the day." She huffs in annoyance, watching her husband bounce the baby lightly. "Fucking daddy's girl."

"That is what the shirt says." He jokes, smiling as the blonde crosses her arms. "What? You dressed her."

"Whatever. Now why is your hair down again?" She raises an eyebrow as the greenette raises an eyebrow. "I thought I told you to keep it up..."

"Babe, only in the house and on dates. I'm not comfortable with it up. You know this." Izuku sweatdrops as the blonde pouts. "Are we even going to do the interview by the way?"

"Um, I decided that we won't. We'll just make a livestream on my V-Cam page and do a Q & A." She shrugs as he nods, kissing the forehead of his little daughter.

"Um, Midoriya-Kun... are we going to get lunch or...?" Ochaco questions, catching the attention of both as the blonde glares at the brunette. "Uhhh...."

"Why are you hanging around this bitch?" Katsumi raises an eyebrow, placing her hands on her hips. "Does she fucking like you or something? She's constantly blushing around you...."

"It's a genetic thing, Kacchan. And she's one of my best friends. Ochaco Uraraka, Katsumi Bakugo." He introduces as the brunette sticks her hand out with a smile.

"I love your magazines. You're even prettier in real life. I can't believe you two are actually together, I listen to all of your tips and know almost everything about you! I hope that isn't weird, but I'm one of your biggest fans!" She smiles brightly, causing Katsumi to look away in disgust.

"Yep, I believe she's one of your friends. She fucking rambles like you too, goddamn." Katsumi shakes the hand, acknowledging her. "And thank you... I'm assuming you've been the one keeping him out of trouble around here?"

"Absolutely, me and Tenya Iida. Um, he's not necessarily my boyfriend, but we are speaking. So you don't have to worry about him cheating with me or anyone really." Ochaco explains as the blonde smirks, nodding.

"Never once thought of any of y'all as threats. I have him wrapped around my finger." Katsumi snickers as Izuku rolls his eyes.

"We're married, Kacchan. It makes sense for you to be wrapped around my fingers too." Izuku comments as both Katsumi and Ochaco turn red in embarrassment. "What?"

"Um, Mido-Kun... that sounds inappropriate..." Ochaco whispers as the greenette thinks about it for a minute; turning bright red in realization.

"I didn't mean it like-! Shut up! Let's just go back to the classroom. I don't want Akari to be upset from the noise in the dining hall."


"Alright, I see we have guests. Just remain quiet, thank you. We have two new students, so treat them however. I don't care." Aizawa begins, allowing for the duo to walk in the building.

"Hello! I'm Yuno Hikari and this is Saito Hinata." A red head smiles brightly, her green eyes gleaming happily as Tenya stands; bending in greeting.

A baby's babble interrupts the introductions as Izuku sighs, turning to hand the baby back over to his wife as Hinata smirks, placing a hand on his hips. "Izuku? Is that you?"

"Why is she calling you by your first name?" Katsumi growls, bouncing the baby on her lap. "Is there something I should know about?"

"Aw cute baby, who's kid is it?" Saito grins, cooing at the miniature blonde who continues to babble.

"Mine. Now if you would just sit and let the lesson continue-!" Izuku pleads as Shouta waves off the comment.

"Class is done for the day. It was only one lesson and don't forget that we have that trip next week." Shouta instructs as the rest of the students pack up to leave campus.

"Anyways, Izuku. I didn't know you had a child... is this like your babysitter? Cool that they allowed you to bring her in." Yuno smirks at the blonde, who quickly flips her off as Izuku grabs her hand; lightly scolding her.

"Kacchan! And no, this is my wife. I'm surprised you haven't heard of her: Katsumi Bakugo?" Izuku quirks an eyebrow as Yuno tilts her head in confusion as Saito's eyes widen.

"Babe, that's a fucking model-!" He hisses as Yuno rolls her eyes at the idiot as Izuku chuckles.

"I should have known you two were together. It's nice seeing you again, Yuno-chan. The matter of my family isn't fully disclosed to the public yet, so if you would please keep that to yourself; thank you." Izuku smiles as Yuno pats his cheek; returning the smile.

"Anything for you, Izu! We're going to be classmates, so I look forward to working with you!"


Work hard, play harder.

~Shadow Out!🌑

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