Chapter 2

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"A wife?! You're telling me that you have a wife? And not only is it a wife, it's the Sumi from Tokyo Times. How?! Why?!" Ochaco shouts as Izuku rolls his eyes, moving his bags to the front door of the dorm rooms. "Wait... where are you going?"

"Uh home? Kacchan wants me to stay the night. We're moving.... Closer to the school, so don't even think that I'm transferring." He speaks up as she nods slowly. "But yeah, I'll explain if you bring the whole class to the common area."

"Fine." She sends out a mass message as the students begin to make their way to the living space. "Done. They're coming."

"That was quick..."

"Well, they want to know just as much as me. Now spill everything." She bounces up and down, dragging the man over to the couches where the class resides; waiting patiently for him.

"W-well, Kacchan and I grew up together... We've known each other since we were in diapers. Our moms are best friends, have been since their high school days." Izuku reminisces as the class leans forward. "We both dreamed of following in All Might's footsteps of becoming world class journalists. Seeing all the things he has, traveling the world.... Then it happened." He whispers, pausing as he takes the time to breathe.

"What happened?" Ochaco pushes as mumbles of encouragement filled the air.

"Um... her mother needed a new model for a deal they signed a few months prior. Kacchan has been modeling since she was a baby, being the daughter of a fashion line and all. So it wasn't a big deal. But something went wrong on set and she shut herself off from the world for a year. Since she was homeschooled, she didn't meet the requirements to come here and became a model full time." He explains as the class nods a bit in understanding.

"That doesn't explain the whole wife situation..." Shoto whispers out into the room as Mina raises her hand as if she's in class.

"So what about her being your wife and all the things you spoke about in the class room!?"

"Kacchan... requested for me to come by her house one night three years ago. She confessed her feelings for me. I was flattered, really. I didn't think anyone could like me." He smiles gently, thinking fondly of the memory. "I accepted and we dated for a few months before she started dropping hints about wanting to get married. She would research venues, dresses, rings, cakes, anything she could think of. She even created a vision board complete with color schemes and cake flavors. I was overwhelmed at first, asking myself if I could really make her that happy. After talking with her father, he convinced me to wait a bit while he spoke to her..."


"Well, she admitted to wanting to get married. But she didn't want a huge ceremony until two things were fulfilled beforehand." His face flushes red as he squirms, looking at the time.

"What needed to be fulfilled beforehand? I mean if you two are married, did they get done?" Eijiro questions as Izuku weakly smiles.

"K-kinda? Um.. s-she wanted her first born to be able to attend the wedding and s-she wanted us to move in together beforehand." Izuku whispers as the class begin to question him. "I really should be going n-now-!"

"Her firstborn? Did she have a child before she got with you? Does she have a kid?!" Ochaco questions as he shakes his head. "But then how...?"

"She wanted the titles before the ceremony. Um, she's not really showing, which is lucky in her case. But she's 31 weeks pregnant..." He weakly chuckles as the class erupts into chatter as he stands up with his bag. "Now I really need to go before she calls me."

His phone rings as he raises an eyebrow, noticing the familiar name pop up on his screen. "Um Kat...?"

"My water fucking broke. Where the hell are you?" She hisses into the phone as his eyes widen, body shaking as she grunts in pain. "I-I called 911 a-already, should be here s-shortly and our p-parents are supposed to meet up at the hospital..."

"Shit! Um okay, just control your breathing. I-I'll meet you at the hospital. Do you know how far apart-!?" He asks, rushing to slide on his shoes.

"I-I don't fucking know! Every 5 minutes?! Just hurry the fuck up!" She growls, panting slightly. "I-I have the baby bag, and the ambulance is h-here."

"Okay, okay! I love you, just let them take you and I'll be there as fast as I can." He hangs up the phone, cursing to himself as the class watches him in his frantic state.

"Midoriya...? What's wro-?" Ochaco questions as he shakes his head, panicking as he shouts.

"No time! I'm about to be a father!" He screams, taking off towards the parking lot as the class begins to cheer in excitement.


Running through the doors of the hospital, he glances around for a nurse or hospital staff as they try to calm him down. "K-Katsumi B-Bakugo!"

"Relationship to the patient?" The nurse questions as the greenette frantically moves his hands.

"H-husband! Please, where's my wife?!" He shouts as the nurse eyes him skeptically, not believing his words.

"Izuku! Let him in, he's her husband." Mitsuki shouts as the nurse shrugs, pointing towards the doctor.

"How is she?" He questions as the doctor smiles, gesturing the greenette follows him to the labor ward.

"She's doing great, despite being early. Put on some scrubs, she's almost fully dilated and ready to push." The medical professional explains as Izuku slips on the blue garbs, putting on gloves as he rushes into the doors; automatically holding the blonde's hands.

Her face is sticky and sweaty, her eyes zoning in and out as she screams in pain. "Shhh, I'm here Kat. I'm here..."

"Izu... it hurts." She winces, her stomach cramping as he kisses her forehead, using his freehand to turn her towards him.

"Look at me... when she comes out, she'll be the most beautiful little girl the world will ever see. After all, beauty is pain." He gulps, smiling weakly at his wife who tries to smile back before a stronger contraction hits her.

"We're ready!" A nurse shouts as another joins her at the bottom of the bed.

"Okay, Kat. You're going to need to push, okay?" Izuku whispers as she nods, squeezing his hand hard as she follows the doctor's instruction.


After an hour and a few minutes of pushing, a whimper is vocalized through the room as the head nurse takes the baby. A pair of scissors is handed to Izuku as he cuts the umbilical cord. The nurses get back to work securing it as they fix Katsumi's lower area while another nurse washed off the infant.

Swaddling her up in a lavender blanket and cap, she lightly hands the baby over to Katsumi who smiles weakly at the baby. "Hi... welcome to hell..."

"Kacchan! Don't say that to her!" Izuku hisses as the blonde chuckles, smiling up at him. "So are we going with the name we chose or did you have another idea?"

"I was thinking Akari Midoriya..." Katsumi smiles as Izuku nods, running a finger over the blonde hair on the child's head.

"Better than naming her Aku... I love it." He hums, gesturing for the doctor to write it down.

"I'll go get the birth certificate processed, should be done by tomorrow. Congratulations you two." The lab coat man nods, exiting the room to give the family more privacy as the nurses finished up.

"Okay, time for breastfeeding." One of the nurses instructs as the blonde sighs, lifting up her shirt and allowing the baby to latch onto her nipple.

"Woah, that's fucking weird..." She whispers out as Izuku glares at his wife who chuckles. "Oh shut up, you didn't just have 7 pounds of life come out of your vagina, now did you?"

"Ok, ok. Just feed her and rest." Izuku takes a seat and watches as the blonde drifts off with the baby still attached to her chest. "Welcome to the world, little Akari..."


I just wanted family fluff, okay? But don't trust it for long~

~Shadow Out!🌑

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