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No one's p.o.v

Nix was exploring a little bit since everything is still a bit new to them. They looked at the rooms and just walked around to get a feel for where everything is at. They started to get a little bored so they went to Ben's room to see if he wanted to play. But he wasn't there. Nix went to their shared room with Sally who was having a tea party with her stuffed animals with a santa hat she's been wearing the last few days. "Nixie!!" Sally chirped happily.
They smiled, "Hey Sal, have you seen Ben and Jeff anywhere?" They asked. "I wanted to see if they wanted to play some games."
Sally put on her thinking face. "Hmmmm...nope!! Nowhere to be seen! But I bet the others might know where they've gone!" She said with a smile.
"Thanks Sal, I'll ask around. I'll join you later too if that's okay!" They said, patting her head.
"Yay!!! Tea party with best friend!" She said with a giggle afterwards.
"I'll see ya later Sally" they said before walking off to ask around for Jeff and Ben. They went to clockwork, EJ, Toby, Hoodie, Jane, anyone who they could find. But sadly, Nix didn't get any answers. They sighed and gave up, going to get something to eat from the kitchen, where Toby and Clockwork were hanging out.
Toby looked over at Nix. "Hey, how about we go out later? For a walk, or I can teach you some cool hatchet skills" he offered. He did, after all, promise to keep them busy from finding out where those two went.
Nix nodded. "Sounds cool! I'm just gonna eat first and watch some TV." They said, getting themselves a slice of fruit cake.
"Alright, just let us know when you're ready. " He said.
Nix nodded and sat in the living room with their fruitcake.

Tobys p.o.v

Clockwork and I went back to talking about the Nina situation after Nix left. Months have passed and we were still in the process of rescuing that cat. The only reason we've been taking so long is we've been trying to make sure no matter what happened, no one would get hurt in the process. Nina is a batshit crazy girl who has no regards for what she's doing.
I really hope we can pull this off, or else I'll slaughter that simp myself, I thought to myself.
"Hey, Tobes, you heard me?" Clockwork asked, snapping her fingers in my face.
"Huh? Sorry I zoned out." I said.
"It's alright" she sighed. "As I was saying, Red and EJ said we should be good for our plans. What'll happen is I talk to her, try to knock some sense through her thick skull and if it doesn't work and I become a target, we have Jane step in, hopefully redirect Nina's attention to her instead. Nix will be under my protection while you try to rescue the cat. I'm sure it's still alive since Nina has no leverage over Nix if Vex is dead." She explained.
I nodded. "Got it, but what about Jeff and Ben? They'll go feral if they figure out what she's trying to do. Or even worse, she'll probably try to hurt them again." I said.
"Don't worry, we got this. The A team never failed before has it?" She asked with a smile, holding out her fist for a fist bump.
I smiled and nodded, bumping her fist with mine. "Well, except that one time because someone tripped over a toy car." I said teasingly.
She dramatically gasped and lightly punched my arm. "No fair, that was awhile ago! And how was I supposed to see a small car in a dark room with one eye?" She said with a laugh.
"I don't hold it against you, but it was funny" I said, smiling.
"Yeah, yeah whatever you say, I'm gonna go confirm the plan with the others. You stay safe, alright?" She said.
I nodded. "You too."
With that, clocky walked off, leaving me in the kitchen. I love talking with her, it's so fun and we always find a way to make each other laugh. She's my best friend and I'm glad we met, let alone got so close. I don't know what I'd do without her.
"You like her don't you?" I hear a voice say right next to me. I jumped a bit and looked, a bit surprised from the sudden appearance of Nix. They were washing their plate in the sink.
"What makes you say that?" I asked, acting clueless. But deep down, they were right.
Nix smiled. "It's so obvious! With the way you talk to her, the way you look at her and that sparkle in your eyes! It's the same as how my parents look at each other." They said. "I know the look, I'm not stupid"
Toby laughed "Jeez, you're smart for a 13 year old." I said.
"Well, I have to be smart! It's how I survive, my big brain moves" they joked. "And I'm gonna be fourteen soon. January eighteenth is my birthday."
"Well, we'll gotta plan something. No doubt those love birds will make a huge deal about it, especially Ben." I said.
Nix smiled. "I know, that's why I love em! They did so much for me already and even though it seems like too much, they just wanna make sure I get everything I missed out on with my old mom. Especially since everything is new here and it'll be my first birthday and christmas here with a new family." They explained.
"Im glad you found your place here kid, makes me happy to see that you're doing so well. Most people wouldn't even blink spending five minutes in a house full of murderers." I snickered.
"It beats middle school, do you know what I had to deal with at Hillsburg?? God those kids couldn't use common sense to save their lives!" They huffed.
"I believe you, I was a middle schooler once too" I said.
"It really is terrible" They pouted. "Oh, and I'm ready to go now." They said.
I nodded and got up from my seat. "Alright, let's go grab our weapons and I'll teach you some things" I said.
Nix nodded and went off to grab their hatchets. I've seen them work before and I gotta admit, not too bad for a first time user. Maybe they could be better than me with some training.
Maybe eventually they would be able to protect themselves against Nina. I could only imagine how that'd go down.

GAHHHHH IT'S BEEN SO LONG SINCE I POSTED- I'm so sorry for leaving all of you like that for a couple years TvT things have gotten *really* messy since I've last written. BUT NOT TO FEAR! I'll continue writing and updating! I hope you all enjoy this even though it's nowhere near christmas now- I'll continue the special with a part 3! Maybe a part 4 depending how much I write on the next part. I'LL SEE YOU SOON!!

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