The Date Disaster

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Ej's P. O.V

"Okay, they're going on their date today" I said. "All we need to do is mess it up and not get caught. But no one gets hurt." I said.
Nina nodded. "Yeah yeah, I know the plan. Can we skip this and just follow them already?" She asked. "No. We have to wait until they leave. And we'll have to be very careful." He said. "No weapons aloud" I told her. I didn't need this idiot to ruin everything! Ben is supposed to be mine! I don't need him getting hurt. I looked towards Jeff and Ben as they got ready to head out. They had a picnic basket and they were holding hands. I 'rolled' my uh...eye sockets?- Anyways, he isn't able to touch my Benny boy! Once they left, me and Nina followed far behind but no too far so we weren't detected.

Jeff's P.O.V

I smiled. I was excited for our date! It was gonna be great! I still can't believe this adorable elf likes me back. We headed to the lake and we set up the picnic. We sat down on the blanket. "How long have you liked me?" Ben asked. "Well..i've liked you for about a year and a half Benny boy." I answered. "Don't call me that!" He huffed. I smiled. "Alright, alright." I said. "How about you?" I asked him. "For awhile now." He said. "I didn't say anything because I was just confused." He told me. "..well you could've told me sooner" I said. "Well, I was scared of rejection." He said. Ben looked at me. "I was scared it'd ruin our friendship." He said. "It's always that feeling. The fear, ya know? It's just hard to do something like that or feel something and then you get scared because of rejection or no acceptance." He said. I nodded. "I know what you mean. It can be hard. But you never know til ya try, right?"
He nodded. I smiled. "Are you feeling hungry?" I asked. "A little." He said. "Well let's eat."

Nobody's p.o.v

EJ and Nina were hiding in a tree. "Okay, remember the plan" He said. "Yeah, yeah just hurry it up!" Nina said impatiently. EJ sighed and he carefully got as low as he could and put a photo in the basket. He went back up. Nina pushed a squirrel down and Ben got a little frightened and spilt juice on himself. "Dammit!" He went looking for napkins in the basket and he found the photo. He looked at it. It was a photo of {use your imagination-}. "What's this?" He asked Jeff. Jeff looked at the photo. "That's not supposed to be there.." He mumbled. "What do you mean 'not supposed to be here'?" Ben asked sternly. "I promise it's nothing!" He said. "Nothing?! It's like you have a secret or something!" Ben said angrily. "Calm down! It's from awhile ago! I promise nothing's going on!" He said. Ben got up. "Are you really just leading me on or something?!"
Nina and EJ high fived each other in honor of their success.
Jeff got up. "I swear to you, I'm not! But you won't fucking listen!"
"Oh, so it's MY fault now?! Go screw yourself!" Ben stormed off. "Screw you too short stack!" Jeff growled. They went their separate ways. EJ and Nina got down. "I'm gonna go to Ben now." EJ said. Nina nodded. "I'll go to Jeff!" They both went after their 'lovers'.
Ooo drama! Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, a lot of stuff has been going on, ya know? Sorry this chapter is sort of short. I'll try to make the next one longer! Hope y'all like it!

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