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Nobody's p.o.v

Jeff and Ben were on their way to town, in disguises of course so no one saw the real them, to watch a movie. They decided on a comedy called 'Harold and Kumar escape Guantanamo Bay.' It was about two boys accused of bringing a bomb on a plane and get in quite a kerfuffle.
They made it to the theater they were going to see the movie at and got some snacks and drinks before going to see the movie.
"This movie is a classic! I've only seen it once but it had me laughing my ass off." Jeff said as the trailers and ads were playing on screen.
"I haven't seen it at all" Ben said. "I mainly play games and sleep all day when I'm not on a mission or hanging out with you" he said.
Jeff smiled. "Well, this will be a great re-first date." He said.
Ben laughed. "Re-first? I'm not even sure if that's a word." He said.
"It is too, it's our official re-first date since our first first date didn't go so well" he said.
"Alright alright" Ben said, laughing a bit.
A few rows behind them were E.J and Red spying on them to make sure Nina wasn't there to ruin anything. While they were keeping an eye out, Toby has been keeping track of Nina and spying on her to see what she's up to.
This date wasn't going wrong. Not on their watch.
"Hey tobes, how's operation:pre-caution going?" Red asked through the ear piece he had in his ear. All three of them had them to communicate better and so they can be a step ahead.
"Nina's acting suspicious. She hasn't had a fit yet and she seems happy..too happy.." He said. "Earlier I heard her talking to somebody. Didn't get a clear view but from what I can tell, it was a female by the voice." He said
"Alright..keep an eye on her. For all we know she might be planning an evacuation plan for over here along with that person." E.J said, joining in on the conversation.
"Got it, tell me if anything happens over at the theater. I can hold Nina at bay while you two make sure Jeff and Ben get out safely." Toby said.
"You got it" Red said.
The three stopped talking and focused on operation:pre-caution.
The movie had started and the two lovebirds were having a hell of a time together. They shared a popcorn bucket and a few other of their snacks with each other. They enjoyed the movie, trying not to burst out laughing in the theater at a few parts.
Once the movie was over they left the theater.
"What should we do now?" The elf asked, holding the others hand.
"I was thinking arcade and then later tonight we can do a mission together?" Jeff suggested.
Ben smiled. "Sounds great!" He said.
A women saw the two holding hands and scoffed, making her child look away. "You two! That is unacceptable! You are both young men! You are supposed to date women, not other boys!" She lectured. "My kid is scarred from your...your...sexual tendencies!" She yelled, making a scene.
"Mom, your embarrassing me.." Her kid mumbled. They weren't even that young. The kid was at least twelve to thirteen.
"Stay out of this sweetie, this behavior right here is absolutely unacceptable and inappropriate for eyes like yours." She told her kid.
Jeff growled. "Oh, I'm gonna shank her ass." He whispered.
Ben held him back. "Calm down, you'll cause a bigger scene if you kill her right now. Let me handle this." He whispered back. He looked at the women. "Hey hag, there isn't one sexuality. Of course your 1940's ass wouldn't be up to date with that kind of stuff, would it?" He asked.
The women scoffed. "I am not that old! Your sexual tendencies will ruin my child's innocence! Shes already been influenced by today's social media! Wanting to cut her hair, get new clothing and calling herself 'non binary'! It's absolutely unacceptable!" She said. "My poor Hazel here is being corrupted by people like you!" She yelled.
Her kid looked highly uncomfortable in that situation. They'd do anything to get out of it.
"It's not corruption. It's called self discovery and finding out who you truly are. Your child is discovering themselves so THEY can be at their best and be at their fullest. Your child wants to be in their fantasy body because that'll help them be more confident and ready to take on this corrupted piece of shit we call society. If anything, your child wants to change themselves for the better. They'll finally be happy and gain enough confidence and motivation to do things they never had the confidence or motivation to do as well as finally accept themselves for who they are and finally feel happy about who they are instead of feeling shitty about the way they look and act and how their voice is. Self discovery does not include you.  This is something your child does alone. After so much dysphoria and feeling like a sack of shit, they finally figured out who they are. The way that you're acting is just making them feel even more shitty about themselves than before as well could possibly be causing depression, anxiety, body dysphoria and possibly more. If you're acting like this, you don't deserve a child at all. So how about you screw off and go fuck yourself and actually love your child unconditionally?" Ben stated.
The women was lost for words. Her child wiped their eyes, drying the tears that had fallen from being so uncomfortable and anxious. They probably would've been drawn into a panic attack.
Jeff stood there looking proud at his little elf.
"Y-you do not tell me how to raise MY child!" She growled
"Oh shut the fuck up already." He said. He looked at the child. "Hey kid, what's your name?" He asked.
"Hazel..." The kid mumbled in a disappointed voice.
"To hell with that shit, what's your actual name?" He asked.
The kid looked up at him. "Ah- It's Nix.." The kid said. "I-I go by they/them pronouns.." They said.
Ben smiled. "Nice to meet you Nix. Let's ditch your mom. We can get you a nice haircut and you can head to the arcade with us. After, we'll head to the mall and get you some nice clothes, sound good?" He said.
"Ah- are you sure? That'd be a waste of money.." Nix mumbled.
"I'm sure as hell! If it makes you feel better about yourself and gets you away from this old hag, anything is fine." He said.
"Hazel, don't you dare go!" Nix's mother growled.
Nix flinched a bit and looked at Ben.
Ben looked at Nix in the eyes. "Don't be scared to talk back. She won't hurt you as long as we're here." He said.
Nix nodded a bit and looked at their mom. "I-Im not going back with've treated me so terribly..l-like I was a disappointment and abomination to the world! You only cared about me when I was exactly like you..but I don't want to be you! I want to be me! So to hell with you! You're the reason why I hated my life and wanted to end it! S-so go fuck yourself!" Nix said.
Their mother growled. "Hazel, you walk away, I will ground you until your eighteen and drag your ass back home!" She yelled.
Ben pushed Nix behind him and looked at their mom. "Go to hell old hag." He said. He looked at the two. "C'mon, let's go to the hair salon." He said, ruffling Nix's hair.
Nix smiled happily and walked away with Jeff and Ben.
Jeff hugged Ben and ruffled his hair. "My little elf all grown up! I'm so proud!" He said.
Ben laughed and pushed him off. "Stop that, we're in public" he said.
He smiled. "I didn't know you had it in you!" He said.
"I just couldn't stand this poor kid dealing with a shitty parent like that." He said. "Speaking of a kid.." He said, looking at Nix. "How old are you?" He asked. "I'm thirteen..I've figured out I was non binary two years ago and I came out to my mom a year ago but she didn't except it all that much. She'd force me to wear dresses and makeup and arranged hangouts with boys I didn't even know or like.." They said.
"Well don't worry. You're not going back to that old hag. You'll be staying with us from now on." He said.
"Really?!" They said excitedly.
Jeff looked at Ben then at Nix. "Hell yeah, kid! It'll be fun. We'll have to work details out with our boss though. But you can't freak out when you come to know who we are. You might have to become one of us as well." He said.
Ben nodded "yeah. But you shouldn't have anything to worry about! You'll fit right in! We're sort of like..a demented family! Everyone will grow to love you. Except this one mean chick. You'll need to stay away from her at all times." He said.
Nix nodded. "Alright, got it!" They said.
The three made it to the salon and got a chair for Nix.
A hairdresser went over to them. "Hello! How may I help you?" He asked.
"Style it however the kid wants it." Jeff said.
"Alright, you two can go sit over there to wait." The hairdresser said.
The two went to sit down. Nix proceeded to tell the hairdresser what style they wanted and the hairdresser worked his magic. It took about an hour and a half to do. Once it was done, Jeff and Ben went over to check it out.
"Woah, that looks awesome!" Ben said, smiling.
Nix was very happy with their new hair. "I know, right?! I love it! It's so cool and great and fantastic!" They chirped.
Ben paid for the haircut and with that the three made their way to an arcade where they proceeded to play tons of games and won prizes. After a couple of hours, they left the arcade with the prizes they won in a bag and headed to the mall where Nix got an entire new wardrobe. Along with clothes, Nix got shoes and accessories. The trip to the mall was pricey but Jeff and Ben didn't mind one bit.
Red and E.J were still keeping an eye out on them to make sure nothing else happened to them. They informed Toby of the incident and Toby kept updating them on Nina's movements. So far, so good.
After the trip to the mall, they headed straight back to the forest. About half way to the mansion, they stopped. "Alright kid, before we take you to your new home, let's work out the details of what home exactly is." Jeff said. "Before that, we'll show you who we really are. But you can't freak out or tell anyone, alright?" He said.
Nix nodded. "Promise!" They said.
They took off their disguises. Ben had taken off his hood which covered his elf ears and took out his eye contacts. Jeff took off sunglasses he had on as well as a face mask and took off his hood.
Nix gasped. "Woah.." They said, stunned.
"Now Nix, We are killers. We usually take orders from a faceless being. Sometimes we kill when we're bored or to get out emotions and the rest of the time we have to go on missions." Ben explained. "We live in a mansion with a lot of other people like us, some of them more scary looking. Of course since you still have original features, you'd need to wear a mask. Helen can take care of that and before you start killing, of course you'd have to be trained in stealth and skill." He said.
Nix nodded. "You look so cool! I've only seen pictures that were no where near accurate online and read about you! I never thought I'd actually meet you though.." They said.
"Well, today's your lucky day. We don't do this just for anybody though. You just really seemed like you need help." Jeff said.
Ben nodded. "Yeah, no one else can know about this." He said.
Nix nodded. "And you said there was a girl I needed to stay away from..?" They asked.
Ben nodded. "Her names Nina. She looks like this guy," he said, gesturing towards Jeff "Except with longer hair and a pink streak in her hair. She usually wears a skirt with a pink sweater and striped thigh highs." He explained.
Nix nodded "Alright." They said.
Ben smiled. "Good, now with that let's get going. We're nearly there." He said.
Nix nodded and the three continued to walk with E.J and Red still trailing them.
They all got back to the mansion safe and sound.
"I'd say this was a successful date." Ben said.
Jeff smiled. "Me too!" He said.
Nix looked around amazed. "Wow..this place looks huge!" They said.
"It kinda has to be with all of us living here." Ben said. "Our boss is the one who found the place abandoned. We got it cleaned up and fixed and slowly made this place our home. You can stay in my room for the time being." He said.
Nix nodded. "Sounds good!" He said. "I'll help you move your stuff in my room. If anything, tonight we can take a trip to your house and get anything else you'd like to bring here" he said.
Nix nodded and the two move their stuff to Ben's room.
E.J and Red met up with Toby.
"So anything happen while you were out?" Toby asked.
"No, just this really horrible homophobic and transphobic women shouting at them." E.J said.
"Nothing much happened here besides Nina's odd behavior..we should still keep our guard up" Toby said.
Red nodded. "Yeah, anything can happen." He said.
"For now we need to figure out what Nina's plan is." E.J said.
The other two nodded and with that, they dispersed.
Hey guys! I'm so sorry this chapter is so late, to apologize, I made this chapter longer than my other ones! I hope you enjoyed it! I will post other chapters late but I promise you I won't abandon this story! Have a great day :-)

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