Ambush in the Fields

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Finn led the way as the Trio soared through the air over the Sea, Ice King couldn't help but look around, as he could actually felt a bit embarrassed at the fact that he actually had to be carried by Flame Princess just to keep up with the group, but deep down in his heart though he actually felt a sense of hope, that maybe just maybe his crown will become powered up again once his elemental side had been found.

Already 2 Elementals were brought down, there should be at least one left, that elemental being his crown's powers, thereby granting Ice King's powers once again and finally allowing him the opportunity to fight once more, instead of having to sit back and do nothing but watch most of the time, which in his eyes was nothing more torturing, seeing as he wanted to get in on some of the action as well. His thoughts were soon interrupted by a voice heard from right above him.

"You okay grandpa?" Ice King looked up seeing that it was Flame Princess, she had noticed him being embarrassed at the fact that he was the only one without powers, and her carrying him around actually was making him feel even more embarrassed.

Ice King attempted to lie and feign that there was nothing wrong, "Oh its nothing kid, I am just a little bummed as all." The elderly Wizard answered as best as he could without having to actually reveal the fact that he was indeed embarrassed, but Flame Princess just continued to stare at him with a look of concern and unamusement, as if she were telling him directly "I don't believe you, what is really going on?"

Ice King realizing that he is caught and that there is no way to lie his way out of this, finally takes a deep breath and answers honestly, "Sorry kid, I guess I am very bummed and embarrassed at the fact that you 2 get to have your powers again and I still have nothing." Flame Princess sighs as she looked ahead to see Finn was still leading the way, before turning back down to Ice King and replying, "Ice King you will get your powers back, just as soon as we find your elemental side." Ice King chuckled a bit, as he couldn't help but joke a bit on the situation. "That is, if we can find it." Ice King laughed a bit only to feel one arm of his get let go for a second before feeling a large bonk on his head. "Ouch!" he grunted rubbing his head only to feel his freed arm get grabbed again, "Don't make me drop you down into the sea below, because I will." Flame Princess snapped not taking to kindly to Ice King's joke, only from the Elderly man to just snort with annoyance like a very annoyed child who had just been told to behave by his mother.

"Sorry Mom," Ice King mumbled to himself as an Insult to the young Fire Queen, who heard those words, "What was that?" She demanded angrily looking down at him causing him to laugh with hysterical with sweat dripping down his face. "He said it," he was quick to point in Finn's direction much to Flame Princess's annoyance, she just huffed and went back to looking forward, as Ice King wiped off the sweat from his forehead. "Phew, that was close." He told himself, as the trio was finally approaching the mainland of Ooo, where Marceline was waiting, she was completely recovered from her previous fight with Flame Princess, though her shirt where was still torn, revealing the spot where she was slashed during the fight. Marceline smiled happily seeing the trio returning, but was not too keen on seeing Flame Princess, as memories of their fight ran through her mind, and how she almost killed her that time.

Despite baring some resentment, Marceline couldn't help but smile knowing that Finn and Ice King were safe.

During the course of her recovery, Marceline had spent the majority of her recovery from her fight with Flame Princess in Ocara's old castle, where she had promised herself to not become angry, vengeful or jealous, but seeing Finn flying towards her with Flame Princess was making it harder for her to keep that promise. Flying over to Finn at fast speed, Finn was stunned to see her at first, as he still remembered her being angry the last time back at his old castle, "Oh hi Marcy hey look I just wanted to apologize for-" He didn't even have a chance to finish his sentence, as he felt her arms wrap around him as she pulled him into a tight hug, leaving him shocked by this at first, "Y-Your not angry anymore?" He asked a bit confused and concerned.

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