The Gathering of Princesses

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After arriving back to the surface from the flooded ruins of the Fire Kingdom, the gang slowly escorted most of the Fire Kingdom's survivors including Flint, to a safe location located at Volcano Hill, where Flame Princess declared that once Finn ...

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After arriving back to the surface from the flooded ruins of the Fire Kingdom, the gang slowly escorted most of the Fire Kingdom's survivors including Flint, to a safe location located at Volcano Hill, where Flame Princess declared that once Finn is brought to justice, they would begin work on draining the Fire Kingdom and rebuilding, in order to try and recover from the tremendous damage that was unleashed by Finn. Flint wished her sister the best of luck, shaking her hand and giving her a big hug, before Flame Princess parted ways and journeyed with, Marceline, Jake, Princess Bubblegum, and Electronica, to the main gathering of Princesses.

Malian Temple, which was the exact location where the secret gathering place was set to be, was a historical temple that was constructed by a human race of native beings known back then as the Irocadians, that dated back 981 years before the land of Ooo, was even founded, and before any of the Princesses were even born. The Temple tragically however was also known to have been the only surviving structure left of this ancient race, that was known to be Humanity's last gathering following the Earthquake of Ooo during the age of Sorrow, about 291 years before Princess Bubblegum's birth, that destroyed most of the Continent and forming it into the land mass that would later become Ooo, following the tragic Earthquake, no traces of the Irocadians, were ever found, with the exception of just Malien Temple, which back then was known as the main governmental structure for Makavora City, the main capital of the Irocadians from back in the day.

Malian Temple was located between border of both the candy kingdom and Ice Kingdom, and was heavily surrounded by thick forests, with multiple pathways leading to either the Candy Kingdom, or Ice Kingdom, the Temple was first discovered by Ice King, and was currently used as a place to stage plans on how to capture Princesses, but was later seized by the Candy Kingdom sometime later, after Princess Bubblegum found about Ice King's plots, despite being seized, the Temple was never used by Princess Bubblegum, or the residence of the Candy Kingdom, until today, where the candy tyrant, temporarily moved her people into the walls of the ancient structure in the days following the destruction and flooding of the Candy Kingdom, and intended to use it as an emergency gathering site for the rulers of Ooo, whos Kingdoms have either been sunk or under threat of either an attack or destruction by Finn.

As the group were making their way through the forests, Electronica quickened her pace in hopes to reach Princess Bubblegum, as despite having to have just met her, the Electric being was able to learn a lot about her during the course of the year through the use of studies, and thought that she could be a perfect asset in Ooo's War against Finn the Human, which over the days was eventually renamed either Rogue Finn, Treacherous Finn, or even Aqua Finn, which was the current name that most people who lived among Kingdoms on Ooo's coastline mostly referred him too.

Seeing that she was now close enough for hearing distance, she quickly spoke in hopes to slow her down. "Um excuse me Princess, Fubblegum was it?" She asked much to PB's annoyance, "Its Bubblegum! Bonnibel Bubblegum!" She said annoyingly, as this was the 2nd time in a row that she has gotten her name wrong since they left the fire kingdom, "Can't you for once just get that right?" she then complained as she then stopped in her shoes, while glaring at her with hands on her hips. Electronica, was laughing inside her mind, even though she was showing it on the outside, but from the last 4 years she had studied Princess Bubblegum, she always found it hilarious that the candy Tyrant had a pretty bad temper.

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