A Fiery Dark Past

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-15 Minutes Earlier, Before Finn's Encounter in the Corolla Ocean-

Prior to Finn's encounter with the Electrogians in the Corolla Ocean, both Flame Princess and Ice King continued to follow Finn's path through the fields, as Ice King continued to follow his gutt while at the same time attempting to remember which direction Finn had disappeared to, despite having to have disappeared into the clouds, Finn did leave a trail of water drips that were dropped by his liquified wings which for some reason only he was able to spot, he couldn't really understand on how Flame Princess could not see them, but a part of him figured that it might be due to elemental wise, as with her being a girl of fire, that anything made of liquid or water could not be spotted by her, and since his elemental ability alone is Ice, he thinks he is able to easily spot water more quickly than anyone else in Ooo besides Finn.

"Are you sure Finn went this way Ice King?" Flame Princess questioned as she continued to follow the elderly wizard while looking around, only to see nothing but more and more open field in each direction she turned her gaze upon. "Trust me, this is the way" Ice King stated as he continued to look down at the grass while still moving forward, this got the young fire princess confused. "Why are you constantly staring at the ground? You look weird," She expressed both concerned and confused at the same time, only for Ice King to just turn and shhh her, "We're getting close, I can feel it." Flame Princess just groaned with annoyance as she placed her hands on her hips, she didn't know what was worst, being without her powers, severely wounded from both her fight with Finn or Ice King jabbing his crown into her, or the fact that the Wizard that was supposed to be helping her out was completely out of it.

As a matter of fact, a part of her wanted to just bypass the elderly Wizard and find Finn herself, but she knew that in her powerless state, she would not last long against her adversaries, so as much as she really hated it, she really needed to rely on Ice King in order to help her find her boyfriend, even if it meant him being a crazy old Loob. "Fine whatever you say old man" the young flame queen said with quite a bit of annoyance, even though deep down inside she's still believed that he was just being his normal traditional crazy old Ice Wizard that he has always been, this eventually led to a grunt from the annoyed Ice Wizard, "Hey! I can hear that you know!" He grunted before continuing to follow Finn's trail.

The two continued moving through the plain until all of a sudden, Ice King perked up at such a fast pace that it even startled Flame Princess, where he then held a hand up, which told her to stop much to her confusion. "What is it?" She asked looking around only to see nothing, but a wide open sea ahead of them. "He went this way, there is no doubt about it," Ice King stated while constantly staring at the sea. "What? How do you know?" Flame Princess asked a bit confused, as Ice King simply pointed to the grass, revealing his trail had vanished, signifying that he had flown over the sea not long ago. "His trail ends here, this means he was flying towards the Corolla Ocean." Flame Princess face palmed with aggravation. "Oh Terrific! So how in the Glob are we going to follow him now?!" She barked with intense irritation, as Ice King was careful to scan the surroundings, only to see what appeared to be a small ruined dock in the distance. "Over there!" he called out with excitement as he raced for the docks much to Flame Princess's confusion, "Hey wait for me!" Flame Princess called out as she ran at fast speed trying to keep up with the elderly wizard, which by some surprise was moving even faster then her. This experience both angered and embarrassed the young queen as she tried to keep up, but was having a hard time in doing so, she couldn't figure out if this had to do with the fact that she was powerless, or maybe just maybe she wasn't meant to run that fast, but deep down in her heart she believed it was because of the 1st suggestion, on why she wasn't moving as fast as she anticipated.

As the 2 reached the small dock area, which seemed to house both an old shack and rickety wooden plank area, Ice King stopped in his tracks, "We just found it," He stated with even more excitement, only for him to hear Flame Princess panting heavily from exhaustion. "Found what?" She barked both angry, and exhausted, "You know for an old man you run faster than me, how the Glob is that even Possible! That doesn't even center around any diasper of scientific logic?!" Flame Princess then added as she just had to complain about this embarrassing experience much to the laugher of Ice King, who was struggling hard not to let loose a huge laugh on the young royal. "I swear to glob if you laugh I'll-" The put out you fire Heiress growled revealing her fist only to be met with Ice King just simply saying one simple sentence, "You gotta go fast kid, if you wanna catch your boyfriend." and with that he burst into a chuckle, but still fought the urge to laugh, Flame Princess struggling to ke her anger under control, instead brushed off her damaged queens armor, placed her hands on her hips and firmly said, "Well what was so interesting that we had to trek all the way here?! What did we Find?!" Ice King smirked and held a finger up, "The answer to our problem, my dear." Flame Princess groaned in aggravation as she looked around but saw nothing but the Corolla Ocean, and the rickety Wooden dock area, including the run down shack that appeared to be made out of both wood and stone, but she could not find any solution that would solve their current problem, she then focused her glares back towards Ice King and snapped, "Is this some kind of joke old men play on young girls like me?! Where is the solution to our problem?!" She growled, her anger about to erupt again, but Ice King showed no fear, in fact he still maintained his smile and simply said, "Look around once again and you shall see." Flame princess puffed smoke out of her nostrils as she looked around again, but all she saw was the same things she saw earlier, so instead of just confronting Ice King about his stupidity, and how he is wasting both of their time playing this ridiculous game of his, she decided to play dumb and describe what she sees, in an attempt to get the elderly man to open up his eyes and face the reality of his stupidity. "Okay let's see, I see the ocean, I see an abandoned dock, I see an old destroyed house, and I see an old man wasting my time," she snapped, before taking a deep breath while struggling to control her temple, "So where's the solution?" she said through her teeth, as calmly as possible, but in fact was a mir head away from losing her temper, as her eyes began glowing.

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