A Truce Between Royalty? I Think Not

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-Malice's Lair-

As Electronic walked through the halls of Malice's Lair, she couldn't help but feel disgusted by the fact on how the Lich would always favor Malice over her, she was never even able to understand that, she was the firstborn and was the first created 4 years before Malice was even created, and yet here she was being treated as if she was just some random girl that the Lich had just created just to mess around with. Sure the Lich never really caused any physical harm to Electronica as a child, but she still couldn't accept the fact that the Lich would just not side with her on one simple issue.

Just thinking about it, made Electronica's blood boil, she was hoping just for once the Lich would side and stand up for her, especially after Malice carelessly sent the first created forces of the Insurrection faction out into battle behind her back, without her knowledge, to make matters worse it ended up leading to her losing someone she truly cared about, and that was the Electrogian soldier and noble loyal follower Eelvora.

Electronica couldn't understand the level of disrespect, not only from her own father but from her younger brother as well, who just shrugged it off as if it was nothing, this was not a laughing matter to her, she lost someone she actually had feelings for, and yet he couldn't even respect that? And the Lich couldn't even defend her on that? Just the thought of all of this made Electronica ball her firsts up as statically charged all around her as her anger ignited before sending a hard punch to the stone wall destroying a picture of both her and Malice as kids, before continuing down the hall and out the door.

On the other side of the Electronica walked into the large chamber of what appeared to be a giant foundry, one that appeared to be producing Electrogian soldiers through the use of Finn's DNA, while vehicles were being put together through the use of mechanical arms. "Electroga!" Electroncia screamed with hands on her hips only for the giant electrical beast to teleport right behind her. "Yes, Princess." Electroga was the foreman of the industry being operated within Malice's Lair as he was also responsible for the piecing together of the Electrogians that ambushed the four heroes back at Gatthius Field a day earlier, now he was instructed by the Lich to ready a new army in order to be unleashed for his main plan that he had in mind in order to trap and destroy Finn, who deep down inside he knows is the Oceanic god Ocara.

Electroga watched as the Electrical princess turned to him with a glare and simply said, "Prepare a strike force for me, I have a mission that needs to be done." Electroga nodded he actually thought Electronica was referring to the Lich's previous orders, but what Electronica said next completely shocked the electrified beast. "I'm going to the White Sands Desert to take Finn on myself. Send my force there" she stated with a scary-looking smirk and causing Electroga to completely panic on the inside, he attempted to try and stop her choice, "But your highness, the Lich wants you to" Just the Mir sound of her father's name caused Electronica to lose her temper at her own minion. ""Do I need a Lecture on what my damned creator wants?! No! I have put up with the fool for 21 years!" She snapped angrily causing Electroga to back away a bit, "Yes of course your highness." Electronica snorted as she turned away from Electroga, "Good, now prepare my force, and let them know that I will be arriving in the White Sand Desert, make sure they cause a lot of havoc, because the more destruction is caused within the White Sands Desert, the closer it will get the attention of Ocean Man, and he will come directly to me."

Electroga couldn't believe what he was hearing, Electronica the oldest daughter and creation to the Lich, was going rogue. Fear swept in as the electrified beast knew very well what the penalty was for double-crossing the Lich, Death.

In one last desperate attempt, Electroga tries one last time to try and change Electronica's ways due to fear of losing his summoner to the mercy of the heartless Lich who would destroy her without hesitation or mercy, once he has found out. "Princess I beg you to reconsider what you are about to do," he started off with confidence in his electrified voice as Electronica turned to glare at him with an annoyed expression, "You know the penalty for double-crossing the lich" he stated as he did a lose your head gesture with his own sparking claws "Please your highness reconsider your actions, for if you do not, you are dead, Do not forget your highness, That it was the Lich that brought you back to the world of the living, and he can take you out just the way he brought you back." Electronica snorted and stuck her head up before snapping, "Forget what the Lich Wants! We are doing this my Way." She snapped as Electroga sighed, "Now prepare my forces!" Electroga knowing that he was defeated had no other option but to do as his summoner had wanted as he activated an electrical machine, which began production on a portion of Electronica's army as new electrogian beings were forged through the volts of electricity and newly created vehicles were now being quickly pieced together by mechanical arms, much to the delight of Electronica.

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