Escape from Raliorvo Castle

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-Astonoth Corridor-

Flame Princess was slowly making her way down the corridor, crying with her hand completely covering her face, as lava tears were drenching the stone floor below, but because of her powers being gone, they were not hot enough to either melt through the stone or cause any fire to any piece of debris that was on the floor. She then stopped and looked back hoping to see Finn at least try and stop her, to try and talk to her, but nothing came out of the deeper hallways. This only made Flame Princess tear even more, as multiple thoughts crossed her mind, maybe this was payback for breaking his heart, or maybe he was so embarrassed by being punched by her, that he doesn't even wanna look at her right now. Flame Princess looked at her hands, as she stopped dead in her tracks and formed them into a temporary fists, she actually had to admit, she lost her temper, but that doesn't mean he could at least try and speak to her, but at the same time, she also went out of line as well, and simply thought that maybe, just maybe Finn would try to make things right as he always doss. Still Flame Princess couldn't help but feel as if her Nightmare was slowly coming true, as in it, both her, Ice King and Finn were both being chased by a powerful gust of water that was a huge powerful tidal wave, that was summoned by a giant Aqua Finn, that turned into solid sharp blades, then the ground fell apart, and Ice King and Finn both fell to their deaths before she plunged to her own demise. Could this may have been the reason she lost her temper at Finn for his reckless ways at trying to retrieve Ice King's crown after he lost it? She couldn't take it anymore, she had to tell somebody about her dream now, otherwise, she could do something drastic in the future, or worst, Finn might never speak or look at her again.

Despite thinking to herself, Flame Princess then released her hands, and then looked up to see where she had been walking through, as most of the time, she was crying about her actions. Upon looking directly ahead, the corridor that she had been walking through was described to be almost completely empty, there was no signs of Electrogians, or booby traps that stood out anywhere, but judging by the computers and small emblems dangling from the walls and ceilings, it looked to appear that Flame Princess had stumbled upon a part of the ruins that was under complete construction, yet the atmosphere felt a little hot, as a matter of fact it was that hot that Flame Princess began to tug a little on the collar of her queen's armor. She just couldn't believe it, usually she can take any hot temperature, regardless if she was lit or not, but whatever Malice did to her made her lose her ability to become heat resistant, which was a huge problem on her end.

Thoughts filled her mind, as she was constantly trying to figure out what to do now, as a matter of fact, she even began to have doubts, if any of them were even exiting the ruins at all, but one thing was for sure, is that if they didn't find a way to obtain their powers again, they would never be able to rescue Jake, nor stop Malice. "Hey Phoebe, FP wait up!" The sound of that voice made Flame Princess smile as a tear came down her cheek, as she looked over her shoulder to see Finn had caught up with her, Ice King was not far behind, but instead of running like Finn was, he was walking. In her heart, Flame Princess knew, that Finn would try to talk to her, and make her feel better, she knew it. In order to try and continue to test out her theory, Flame Princess pretended to make an angry face and looked away with a huff with arms crossed over her chest. Finn noticed this and sighed sadly, deep down he felt as if now he had completely done it now, but he had to try and explain his reckless actions to the young queen. Ice King stopped at a certain distance, this time allowing the two to speak alone, without getting involved, like he had done, while the two were speaking back at Malian Temple, he figured this time it was best to keep his nose out of it.

Finn gathered the courage, took a deep breath, and said, "Phoebe, I know your furious right now, but you have to understand, I did what I did so that all of us can make it out alive." Finn then proceeded to place a hand on her shoulder, which to his surprise he could not feel any pain at all, in fact her shoulder felt as if her body heat was that of a normal human, but yet she was still made of fire, plus Finn was also in his human form, so he should have been feeling a sharp action of pain right now, and yet, there he stood, not feeling anything, to him this was both weird and amazing at the same time. 

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