Fight against One's Self

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-The Lake-

Finn was completely horrified, as he stared down his elemental humanoid half, just glaring its glowing blue eyes, at him. How could this have been possible, how was Malice able to successfully duplicate his elemental side? Finn just couldn't find the answer to either of these questions. From above on the cliff Flame Princess and Ice King were just as shocked and surprised as Finn was.

"How is this possible?!" Finn demanded, only for Malice to just laugh it off and say, "If you think this is a clone, You are sadly mistaken, this is you, or should I say, the real you." Malice's words shocked Finn as he stared at him both confused and terrified, what did he mean by the real him, he just couldn't get those words out of his mind. 

All of a sudden the Aqua Half of him began to speak, but he sounded way different then Finn dose, in fact he sounded like an old British man, as if it was identical to that of an old late 20th century man named Tony Jay, but of course no one would know this. "I must say, It feels so good to be free of that human prison I was stuck in for the last 16 years, while trying to recreate myself, from within the body of a woman, I never thought that intercourse would get involved to the point that I would be merged with a human." His Aqua half stated before he looked up into the sky and said, "Oh Maria, if you could see me now, all the great masterpieces that me and my human side over there have caused in the last week." He then added while looking at the sky temporarily, as if he was talking to someone in the heavens, before he focused his gaze upon Finn, as he locked his eyes back onto his human half.

 Finn gasped, Aqua Finn did not sound like him at all, in fact, despite his 16 year old appearance he sounded as if he were in his 60's or mid 70's, what was going on? He couldn't figure it out at all, and who was Maria? And most important of all, since when did he speak with a British Accent.

As he is trying to figure out what was happening in front of him, turned to see his elemental half just smirk, its fangs showing. Finn's eyes went wide open as he soon saw the Aqua side of Finn leap off of the surface of the water and land on a nearby platform, causing the water in the surrounding area to rage wildly, to the point that it flooded some of the nearby shore lines that surrounded the lake.

"Let the games begin!" Malice cried with excitement, as Aqua Finn's water wings appeared out of his back, and his swords were quickly summoned, as Finn gasped in horror, he had nothing to defend himself with, no sword or anything, this was an unfair advantage. "Now, the time has come child, to end the biggest thorn in my side, that I had to deal with 16 years ago!" Aqua Finn snapped as he sent a blast of water towards human Finn as he quickly dodged out of the way, racing down a number of platforms, as Aqua Finn chased after sending multiple shots of water, from his hands. One Platform was hit so hard by the pressurized water, that it shattered causing Finn to fall straight through with a splash.

"Swimming so soon." Aqua Finn started with a grin, as Finn quickly swam for the surface, only to see Aqua Finn's eyes glow an even darker blue. "I think not boy." Before Finn knew it he was caught in a whirlpool, spinning around at a fast speed, feeling his feet being slowly pulled beneath the surface, however as Finn was being pulled under, Aqua Finn snapped a left finger, causing him to be catapulted out of the whirlpool sending him flying towards one of the nearby platforms, landing flat on his nose.

As Finn got up, his black sweatshirt and pants now completely coated with water, Finn quickly looked around for any means to defend himself with, but he there was nothing he could use to defend himself with. "This is so unfair!" Finn growled as he slammed a fist on the platform in frustration, only for Aqua Finn to appear from right behind him. "Life is unfair boy, Get used to it." Finn looked and screamed as Aqua Finn sent a powerful blast of liquid Water straight at his face, sending him flying against a nearby barge crashing directly into the hull, before slowly sliding into the lake below.

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