chapter 4:mind rape.

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Harry woke up tied to a chair, he groan softly and then looked around to see he was in a different room, like a potion room. then the door open to reveal Voldemort.

"i hear....that you had some Remedial Potions classes with Snape....But in truth, you were trying to defend your mind from me." he said.

"No, it was Remedial Potions, i'm horrible at potions." he said.

"you're lying, I know you, Potter. Sooner you'll submit to me, the less nastier I can be with you." he told him.

"yeah right, and I'm the Minister of magic." said Harry sarcastically. His head went side ways. "There is only one way to find out....I haven't forgotten how you beat me at the Ministry, but this will not happen this time." he told him and he grab his hair and force him to look to him in the eye, and he let out a cry as Voldemort went into his head, searching his memories.

Hermione was hugging him, Sirius was hugging him, Vernon Dursley was beating him with the belt, he was writing with the blood quill, he saw his parents in the mirror of erised, Cho Chung was kissing him under the mistletoe.

Then he pushed him out. "That's privet." he told him giving him a glare.

"Do I look like I care, Potter? You will be my husband soon

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"Do I look like I care, Potter? You will be my husband soon." he told him running a bony finger down his face to his jaw. "And you will submit to me, Potter."

"I won't, not to you." he said and his head went side ways, again.

"We may not be married just yet, Potter. But you belong to me now." he said to him. "I will never belong to you, I belong to no one but myself." he told him, Voldemort's red eyes flashed angrily.

"Crucio!" then Harry screamed in pain as he hit him with the torture curse. He panted unsteadily. "look at me." Hissed Voldemort. "bit me." he told him.

"Look at me!" he hissed angrily. "All right, i'll try harder." he said, and rises his emerald eyes to him. "Bite me!" he shouted at him. "Oh, I will, on our wedding night." he told him, and then he blindfold him.

"What are you doing?" he asked. "shh, Potter." he said into his ear.

"no." he told him, then a hand was over his mouth to stop him from talking, he panted through the hand, was he going to rape him now?

"Shh, Potter, I am not going to rape you, not yet. Just a simple scan." he told him soothingly.

"No? Well, we just have to wait and see, now this will remind you who you belong to." he told him, and then he felt a red hot blinding pain in his arm, and then another on his stomach and then everything went black.

When Harry woke, he was back on the bed again, he took his glasses and put them on his face, and then notice a bandage on his forearm and he unwrap it to see a red V on his arm, and then he remembered the red hot blinding pain he had felt, he looked to his stomach.

"Mine." Oh, god. Voldemort had brand him, if he didn't escape he was going to rape him and then most likely kill him, he needs to think of an escape plan.........................................................................................................................................................

Remus was sitting at the table at Sirius's house, it still pained him that Sirius is just....gone. There wasn't a body to even bury, but he can't let his grieve get to him first, he needs to get Harry back, he owes it to Sirius to save his godson.

"Now everyone, Severus has some news." said Albus, and he now notice Severus, and he didn't look good, he looks a lot worse than he usually is.

"Severus, Harry. Is he okay?" Asked Remus. "I don't know, wolf. I haven't seen the boy yet, the dark lord is keeping him hidden pretty good. Only Bellatrix has seen the boy, possibly Lucius and Narcissa has as well." he told him. 

"And his plans for Harry?" Asked Albus.

"He hasn't reveal them yet, all I know is that Potter's alive, otherwise he would had us all watching him to kill him." Said Severus.

"Is there anyway to get him out?" Asked Remus.

"Until I know where the dark lord is keeping him, I cannot say, and I am not a fool in asking him about the boy either. I've already had been Cruciatus Curse and the dark lord entered my mind with Legilimency." Said Severus.

"I'm sorry, Severus. I'm just worried." said Remus. "We all are, Remus." Said Molly Weasley kindly.

" Said Molly Weasley kindly

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"He's my cub. I just can't let him get tortured or whatever else he has planned for Harry." said Remus."I know, trust me I do. I may not like the boy due to his father, but I would not want that kind of fate on my worse enemy, Lupin." Said Severus softly. Remus nod his thanks.

"What are we going to do for Potter? How are we going to rescue him?" Asked Alastor Moody.

"I will see where the dark lord is keeping him and what he has plan for Potter, and then we plan the rescue. And in the events that Potter decides to save himself with escaping the dark lord, that will take a miracle." he told them.

And with that the meeting is done.

Remus just hopes Harry is staying strong, he knows he is.

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