chapter 13:Voldemort is always evil

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Harry woke up to see Draco Malfoy who has a pity look on his face.
"Potter. Shower." he said and Harry followed him to the bathroom knowing he doesn't have a choice.

Once they got to the bathroom, he looked to Draco. "You're not going to watch me wash myself, are you?" he asked suspiciously.
"You think that I enjoy watching you shower? I'm not that low and i'm not a pervert either, Potter." he told him winkling his nose at the thought.

Harry sighed. He's just grateful that Malfoy isn't calling him Graunt.

"But it's for your own good." Draco told him.

So he got showered and dressed which is only a set of jeans for some reason...Voldemort likes to keep him half naked.

"Wait, Potter." Draco said then he slip a potion into his hand. Wait, it Draco bloody Malfoy actually helping him?
"It's pain potion, keep it hidden. It should help with the pain." he told him.

He went back to his room, sat on the bed trying to count down the days that he's been here for.

But he lost count but he can imagine it might have been a week, maybe nearly two. But it feels like he's been here forever.

Harry waited on the bed knowing that Voldemort will return, since Bellatrix Voldemort kept sure none of the other death eaters wouldn't come in without his permission.

"Harry." said Voldemort.
Speak of the actual devil.

He looked to him, his heart full of hatred but also.....something else for Voldemort.

"I have a proposal for you." Said Voldemort.
"What is it?" Harry asked then he winced as Voldemort frown at him, his red eyes narrowing at him.

"Did I not tell you to start calling me my lord?" he reminded him.
"I'm sorry, my lord." said Harry. The word taste horrible in his mouth.

"Better. Now continue to obey me and I shall give you the mark." Voldemort told him as he stoke his cheek.

"My lord, no-not yet, may-maybe in a year time, please?" He asked, it took everything for him not to flinch.
"You're not trying to be difficult again, are you?" Voldemort asked him his red eyes narrowing again.
Oh God.
"No, of course not. I can't escape, didn't work out so well the last time." Said Harry. "Crucio!"

Harry screamed in pain as he trashed on the bed, once he lift the curse off him Harry panted heavily.
"I know when you lie, Harry. I punish you for one reason, looks like you're still not trustworthy." Voldemort told him sounding sad and with a wave of his wand Harry was tied again to the bed posts.

"Shh, Harry. You'll learn eventually." he told him gentle as he run a hand through his hair.
"Please....not again." he sobbed as Voldemort remove his boxers.

He cried his tears as Voldemort kissed him forcing his tongue inside his mouth. He hated this.

Sometime later he fell asleep.
Voldemort smiled evilly as he looks to the boy's tear stained beaten face.

He was so close to breaking him for good, and no one not even Dumbledore can stop him from doing so.

Voldemort had decide to give the boy a few days before he starts to scan him to see if he is a carrier.
Severus got to Grimmulad place in a hurry, Voldemort was ready to go on his missions so they can now mount the rescue. And with the look Lucius was doing he knew he was going to try to torture Potter before the dark lord comes back.

He just hopes they can get there in time....

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