Chapter 14:admitting it and Voldemort leaves at last

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Harry sniffled as Voldemort let go of his hair, it's been a week since the wedding and the rape. He's been raped 3 times a day and he's been beaten so many times that he's lost count.

He just wants to see Remus to just say how sorry he is for many things, one of them is about Sirius, Bellatrix may be a nutter but she is right. He did lead Sirius to his death and for letting Voldemort rape him.

The longer he's been here the more hopeless he felt. And he thinks that maybe.... He's starting to fall in love with Voldemort, the monster who murdered his parents and Cedric.

Sure, he can get him sometimes for some reason, understands him. But he still hates him for everything that he has done.

"My lord....I love you." He said and Voldemort smirks at this which makes  him feel sick.

"I knew that you would eventually, my little lion." He hissed and they kissed.

"I shall return soon. Lucius will look after you." He said and he got up and place his robes back on.

"I'll be here." He said to him. "You better."

It's not like he can escape as Voldemort keeps him tied up on the bed all the time.


Severus nods to Mad-eye Moody, who wore the boy's invisibility cloak and as he enters the Malfoys mansion he hears a blood-curling scream of pain.

He went to the room and Moody gave him the invisibility cloak to wear and they saw the boy in his own blood, tied to the bed with Lucius and some of the other death eaters raping the boy as some of them tortured him.

"Malfoy." Growled Moody.

"Mad-eye Moody?!" Siad Lucius in shock. Bellatrix and Greback disapparated instantly.

"Do ya just like to torture kids that are younger and smaller than yourself?" Asked Moody.

Moody and Kingsley duel the last two remaining death eaters as Severus untied and gentle pick up the boy into his arms.

He got to the gates, he didn't want to use the fireplace seeing how bad the boy was shaking and besides they could be tracked that way, or he could apparate as well but that can be dangerous as well so there is no choice he held onto the boy and apparate to grimmauld place.


Remus  pace the room as he worries about Harry, he has more greys in his brown hair mostly due to his and Moony's worry for their cub. Bangs under his eyes, due to the lack of sleep and has lost some weight.

Then he heard a loud crack which is the sound of someone apparating. He runs out to the hallway and stops short as he saw his cub, his beaten cub who looks to be barely breathing and looks smaller than he usually does.

There wasn't a part of his body that isn't beaten up and he palen even more when he notices the two brands on Harry's body.

"Severus, is he...?" He asked barely able to ask the question. 

"He's alive. Barely. Fire-call Poppy, tell her that the boy needs her now, wolf." He said as he took him up to his room.

Since when did Severus call Harry "boy"? Usually he calls him by his last name. So what has change?


Severus place the boy down gentle on the bed and looks to his injuries, bruises and cuts are all over his body, a V brand is on his arm near his shoulder and the world MINE is branded on his torso. He must have a broken wrist and ankle at least. So he tooks out his wand and wave it over him to scan him.

Dreading the scan for the worse.....and hopes that the glamours are still holding up, for his and the boy's protection.

If people like Dumbledore and Voldemort knew the truth, both him and the boy would be likely dead.

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