Chapter 6:Voldemort's plan reveal to the Death eaters.

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Harry woke up, tucked into the bed, his wist tied to the bed post again. Voldemort was obviously not taking chances this time.

He looked around, and then notice a man standing in the corner watching him, he looked to be raggy, with greasy black hair and cruel black eyes, he smiled, which showed him his fangs.

"Who are you?" he asked, out of curiosity "Fenrir Greyback, boy. The dark lord has decided that you're not trustworthy to remain untied or alone for that matter. but..." Said Greyback, and he lick his lips as his eyes studied him.

"You look so valuable and helpless lying like that. It turns me on." he said and he gave a wishful sigh. "Too bad you're off limits." he told him.

Harry then heard the door open, and he looked to see Voldemort coming in. 

With a wave with his wand, Harry's rope came unbind, and he sat up, glaring at the dark wizard.

"Come, Potter." he said. "No. I'm not going anywhere with you." he said.

his head went sideways as Voldemort backhand him again."You will come now." he said, and Harry didn't say anything, but he did not move from his spot either.

"Why must you be so difficult?" he muttered. "What do you want?" he asked him.

"Silence, mind your cheek, Potter. But as for what I want...." Said Voldemort, and he grab his face, squeezing hard again, and he kissed him.

No, no. He doesn't want this! this is so wrong.

"Screw you." he told him once he let him go.

He backhand him again. "now come." he said, but he didn't move.

With a wave of his wand, Harry's wrist were bond once again, and a another rope was in Voldemort's hand, which means he was going to pull him around like he was a slave or something.

And in this case, it's what he felt like.

He was dragged to the living room, he is force to sit on the ground besides a throne.

"My fellows. Here is Harry Potter." Started Voldemort, going into another big speech, just like at the graveyard. 

But he didn't look up, until Voldemort grab his face, and the death eaters saw his beaten up face.

"The boy who lived." he said tracing his finger down his face. "Who will soon be my husband. You see, i realize that the prophecy doesn't mean that Potter is my enemy, no, he is to be my mate, and soon to be husband." he said, Harry wasn't sure, but some of them shift on their feet.

This is sick, though.

"Hus-Husband, my Lord?" Asked a death eater he doesn't know."Yes, he is to be my husband. Even if I have to break him." said Voldemort. "Fuck you, Tom." Said Harry, and he was backhand so hard that he end up on his side.

"So you have no intention to kill him, my lord?" Asked Lucius Malfoy, he'd never forget Draco Malfoy father's voice.

"Unless he refuses to submit to me after the wedding in a few days, or tries to escape again, he will die." said Voldemort.

"Not happening." he said, and he screamed as Voldemort put him under the Cruciatus Curse, once he stopped the curse, he lay there, panting hard, trying to ignoring the pain.

"When will the wedding be, my lord, and will you...?" Asked Lucius Malfoy. "yes, Lucius, I will have sex with him, even if I have to tie him to the bed just to do so." he told him.

That's sicking.

"And the Wedding will be in 2 days. Sooner the better, especially if the old muggle loving fool decides to mount a rescue for their chosen one." he said, what is that about?"Oh, yes, you don't know, if you're good, i'll tell you the prophecy rather than the muggle loving fool." he told him.

He hopes Dumbledore will rescue him, bot how he isn't sure.

"And he will submit to me, in one way or another I will break Harry James Potter, the boy who lived." He said as he squeeze his face once again.

"Fuck you, Tom." He said angrily,and the he was backhand.

"And you will start calling me my Lord." He said. "It will never happen, Tom." He told him, and he screamed as he out him under the Cruciatus Curse again, and he kept it on him for several of minutes, and he lost his breath as Voldemort kick him in the chest.

He panted hard and he gave a cry of pain as Voldemort sent a curse that cut his cheek.

"Submit to me, you'll be safe, safer than that old muggle loving fool has ever done before." he said."Go and fuck yourself, Tom. I will never break, not to you." Said Harry. "Crucio!"

He screamed in pain, and then he stopped, then Voldemort squeeze his face painfully, bringing him close to his face.

"You'll will break, Potter, to the point that you'll no longer will want to live

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"You'll will break, Potter, to the point that you'll no longer will want to live." he told him as he trace the tip of his wand down his face. "Or you'll die." he hissed, and then he place his lips on his own, forcing him to kiss.

But he bit his lips, hard as he took, and Voldemort backhand him until he was unconscious.


Remus rubbed his eyes as he got ready for his mission to try to rally the werewolves from Voldemort's side, it might distract him from Harry for a bit.

There was a knock, and he'd saw Tonks, which made him brush and looked away from her.

"There is an emergency meeting." Said Tonks. "Of course." he said, his heart starting to hammer into his chest as Moony start to howl for his lost cub.

"Severus? Is Harry...?" Asked Remus.

"Potter is alive, but for now. The Dark lord plans to marry him, he believes the Propcery means that Potter is his soul mate, and he will marry him or will kill him." Said Severus, and Remus place his hands in his face.his poor cub, how could that mons-no, no.

" Voldemort planning to....?" he asked, but was unable to finish his question.

"Yes, he is planning to rape Potter, even if it means he'll tie him to the bed, Lupin." he told him."Oh, Harry..." he said, tears coming to his eyes and he felt sicken that his cub could possibly be raped.

"Severus, when will the wedding be?" Asked Dumbledore. "Soon, two days at least, but the dark lord can be unpredictable, he might change it at the last mintue." he told them all.

Oh, Harry.Then he heard a sob.

"I think they're listening." said Remus. "Oh, dear. I' to them." said Molly, and she wipe her tears and went to comfort her children.

With his wolf hearing he could hear them just as clear."Mum, is it true is going to rape Harry?" he asked. 

"Yes, Ronald, but we're planning to send a rescue party. Now go back to your rooms, please, just for once." she said, And he waited to see if they refuse but this time, for once they did as told.

"Stay strong, Harry." he whispered.they have to safe Harry...

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