Chapter 12: is Harry broken or is it for survival?

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Harry ate the bowl of soup as Voldemort watched him, he didn't care anymore he was starving, they barely feed him. Probably another way to break him.

Then he drank the pumpkin juice very fast. Harry tense as Voldemort brushed his sweaty hair out of his face.

"In a few days, I shall be on a mission for a few days. Lucius shall be watching you, and I expect you to behave yourself when I return." he said as he rub his upper lip with his thin thumb.

Harry has the urge to bite him, but he didn't.

"Of course, I understand." he said and Voldemort smiled gentle. The last few days Voldemort gave him a glimpse of his childhood, but while he does feel sorry for Voldemort he will never be on his side on anything.

"I'm glad that you've finally submit to me." Said Voldemort.

But he wanted to say, "I will never submit to you, snake." But this is the matter of survival."Me too." he said and force himself to kiss Voldemort and he hated it, every minute of it.

Then Voldemort pulled him back by gripping the back of his head, and he groan in pain.

"Who said that you can kiss me?" he asked him."I'm sorry. I thought..." Said Harry."I accept your honestly. But that was pathetic, you had kissed that Cho girl better." Voldemort hissed and sent a cutting curse at his cheek, he bit his lip to stop him from whimpering in pain then he let go of his hair.

"I have a meeting, you will remain here, I shall return soon." he said and he kissed his lightning bolt scar and left.

Harry for now can relax, he knows he can't escape, the window was lock and he was quite high up and Voldemort always kept the door magically locked, and he has no wand to get out. He sighed as he fell into a slumber, dreaming of Remus rescuing him.......................................................................................................................................................................Voldemort smirked evilly. Harry Potter is broken to his will, once he is completely broken, he will force Harry to take the mark. Harry Potter will be a death eater.

Then their child at the age of 11, just before he goes to Hogwarts will also bear the mark.

"My friends, Harry is on board of my plans for the wizarding world. I still don't trust him, but when I do he will bear the mark and follow me as my husband and bear my child, when on his or her 11th birthday, she or he will also bear the mark." Said Voldemort.

"Potter is a carrier?" Asked Severus shock, and it's not every day that you can get Severus Snape off his guard.

"I don't yet, Severus. We'll find out." said Voldemort, he looks to Severus, he doesn't trust his spy completely about this.

"Tell this nothing to the old fool, just that Harry Potter is too broken to be his puppet."Said Voldemort.

"Of Course, my lord." said Severus, and he nods to his spy...............................................................................................................................................................Harry woke up, he had been inside Voldemort's mind again and he won't do it, he won't take the dark mark. He'll die before that.

Also.....what is a carrier?

The door open, he turn his head to see Bellatrix, Sirius's killer. If he had his wand, he would kill her.

"You....Potty stole my dark lord! How dare you...I should be his queen and bear his babies." she said and she madly point her wand at him.

CRACK! Harry screamed in pain an blinding pain came into his arm.

"Yes, Potty. Scream like the whore you are! Crucio!"

Harry screamed in pain and then gasp as she lift the curse off of him.

"Cousin Sirius is probably so disgust with you, he probably thinks that you are nothing but the dark lord's slut!" Crackled Bellatrix.

"Yo-you shut up about Sirius! You murdered him!" Harry shouted at her, forgetting that he's trying to survive this hell for a moment as anger and hate filled him."Oh, poor baby misses poor Sirius. But in case if you've forgotten, Potty. It was you who led poor Sirius to his death." she told him in a baby voice.

"Screw you, bitch!" he shouted at her.

"Crucio!" she crackled with excitement as she point his wand to him.Harry screamed in pain as tears fell down his face.

He panted hard as Bellatrix laughed madly at his pain then she wave her wand again at him and then there was another crack in his leg.

He screamed in pain as he used his good arm to hold his now broken leg. Bellatrix laughed evilly at him. She rise her wand again for another curse to throw at him.

"Bellatrix, may I ask in what you're doing to my husband?" Asked Voldemort.

Harry, for once was happy to see Voldemort otherwise he honestly thinks that Bellatrix would had killed him.

"My Lord! The boy had tied to jump me. I was merely trying to defend my-" Lied Bellatrix.

"I don't want to hear excuses. I made myself clear that the boy is off limits and I shall deal with you later. Now get out of my sight." he hissed at her angrily as his red eyes flashed and she left.

Harry then felt an arm around his good arm and helped him up to his feet.

Harry couldn't believe it. Voldemort is helping him, he place him back onto the bed and reset his arm and leg.

"Rest, Harry. I will make sure that Bellatrix will never torture or hurt you without my permission ever again." Said Voldemort.

Just when he thought that maybe he isn't too bad, but no. Voldemort is still evil.

'Remus....where are you?'

He let Voldemort kiss him and he left him where he is.Harry rolled onto his side and cry into the pillow trying to muffle his sobs............................................................................................................................................

Remus sighed as he got a room ready for Harry. It may not be until the next few days's all he can do until they get him.All he can do is hope. The reason he can't go is that he's known to be close to Harry, he would be recognized straight away.

He just needs to hope that Severus can save his cub.

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