Prologue~ Bystander

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What a perfect man.

What a man, What a man
What a man
What a mighty good man yes he is

He helps everyone around him without needing to be asked.

What a man, What a Man
What a man
What a mighty good man

All the boys and girls fawn for his looks, his face a desirable one for all who pleasure of viewing it.
Kindness and Beauty what a formidable duo those two, always finding the best of the best.

Such a shame he died no?

I mean it was an accident, a robbery gone wrong.

Who would think it was a good idea to rob a floral shop? They don't make much money.

Oh but he is kind and attractive!

Too bad he lacked a brain....

Oh kindness, beauty and intelligence. What a trio.

Who would fight a whole gang with a flower pot?

The kind and beautiful people I assume.

Perhaps a Introduction is needed?


Not like it matters anyway... he's gonna fix it all up anyway.

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