Chapter 5~ I wanna be a teenager but not die

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    "Let's play y/n."

Mikey smiled and waved as he stepped over the broken door. The entire class shuddered as they hugged y/n.

"H-he wants nothing to do with you." A boy whispered.

"Huh who are you?" Mikey spat.

"Y/n wants nothing to do with you!" A girl shouted. "YEAH!" The class agreed. Mikey raised an eyebrow, "wow n/n you're really popular."

"Uh thank you very much for the visit Mikey, but I really don't wanna miss class.." y/n spoke in a worried yet firm tone. All of his classmates nodded in agreement.

"Huh? Mikey what's taking so long?" Draken uttered as he poked his head through the door.


The class started shaking at the sight of the tattoo headed blonde.

"Well n/n is currently being held captive by his classmates!" Mikey whined loudly.

"Uh y/n? Are you coming?" Takemichi asked as it was his turn to poke his head through the door nervously.


"Y/n! What did you do to get you caught up with these guys?!" Kaito, y/n's classmate, whisper shouted.

Y/n turned towards Takemichi, both having a mental conversation through looks alone. Takemichi's faced screamed, don't leave me alone with these guys! Y/n's face lifted to an amused grin, it's what you get for wanting to join a gang! The blonde shook his head, I'm a bit nervous is all! Plus you said you would join too! E/c eyes glared back, yeah so you don't kill yourself!

They stared at each other for a few moments. Then a sigh, "I'll go out and play I guess..."

Y/n's classmates screamed and clutched onto him harder, "DONT DO IT Y/N! NOOO!"

"It's okay you guys they're just my friends!" Y/n let out a small laugh as he pushed passed his classmates claws. Some of his classmates looked in worry while others mildly accepted his fate for him. Mikey beamed happily as he was labeled y/n's 'friend' and waved viscously.

"Y/n!" Kaito shouted before he could leave the room. He ran towards the h/c and gave him a piece of paper. Y/n looked confused as his accepted the paper blankly, "if you need help... yknow just in case... please don't be shy to call me!" Kaito blushed in embarrassment.

Mikey, Draken, Takemichi and the class stared at Kaito in utter disbelief.

"Kaito... are you... giving me your number?" Y/n smirked at the paper. Kaito blushed harder as he tried to grab the paper, "well if your so sure they're your friends then I guess you don't need my number!" Y/n lifted the paper away and smiled harder, "oh they are my friends, but I would simply be a monster if I didn't accept such a bold gesture. Does little Kaito really want to be in my contacts that badly?" Y/n teased as he waved the paper around. Kaito started fussing with y/n as y/n smiled and laughed, moving his arm away from him.
Mikey stared at everything happening and pouted, "hey n/n! Can I put my number in your phone too?" He gleamed as he pulled a phone from his pocket.

Y/n shook his head and passed his phone to the blonde. Mikey typed in his number as he passed the phone to Draken. Y/n started walking towards the door and waved goodbye to his class as his classmates sadly waved back.

"Hey Michi, how'd they get you out of class?"
Takemichi sweated, "they sorta.. kinda..." y/n turned the corner and saw the crowd of boys beaten on the ground.


Mikey and Draken started hopping on them as they started walking towards the exit, "y/n hop with us!"

"Yeah no thanks, most of these guys are my old classmates so..." y/n glimpsed down and saw his classmates tearing up.


The group eventually got to the doors and were completely ready to leave until Hina made her way through the crowd. "Hina-!" Takemichi gasped, when suddenly she slapped Mikey straight across the face.

A slap across Japan.

Y/n stared at the interaction quietly, as Draken raised an eyebrow. "Takemichi, let's go." She gripped his wrist and started walking away with him.

"You mustn't do what these people want. Neither of you." She glared at you. You simply shrugged in response. "I will protect you."

"Hey Mikey are you good-"

Draken walked past y/n and grabbed hina's wrist, "oi, imma murder you bitch."

The h/c was taken aback at what he said. "Hey-"

Mikey grasped his hand which stopped him quickly shut him up. "Mikey let me go-"

"You just gonna slap someone and say see you later? Don't make me laugh!" Draken glared.

"What part of this is a joke to you...?" Hina spoke. She turned towards Draken, "coming into their school and forcing someone to go with you isn't something a friend would do!" She glared at him as she gripped Takemichi's hand tighter.

"Lately, Takemichi has been covered in bruises, if it was because of you guys I won't forgive you!"

Takemichi gripped Draken shoulders, "let go of her."

"Hah? Watcha say? I didn't quite hear ya."

A deep inhale, "I SAID LET HER GO!"


Hina's heart fluttered.

"YOU DUMBASS!" Takemichi shouted. Y/n shone himself out of Mikey's grip, much to the others dismay and walked towards Takemichi and hina. "Yeah you heard him, let her go dumbass!"

"You bastard, who the fuck do you think you're talking too?"

"I ain't gonna give her up a second time!"

Hina and y/n exchanged confused glances, it's the thought that counts?


"Are you death? He said he ain't giving her up! Let his girl go!" Y/n lifted his hand up and repeated the chant. The bystanders watching glanced at one another before they slowly started chanting.

"Let her go!

Let her go!

Let her go!"

But everybody shut up as Mikey kicked a locker, leaving a dent in it.

"Or you can kick a locker it's up to you..." y/n mumbled as he shielded hina with his arms.

"Aah and here I thought you both could be my friends... too bad ❤️. Well then.. how do you wanna die?"

Takemichi shuddered.

"You're making a face like you won't be able to stand on your own!" Mikey smiled as he walked closer. Y/n slowly got closer to Takemichi as an effort to help his friend.

"Just promise me one thing... you won't lay a hand on hina or y/n!"

"Hah? I don't give a damn about her! But I'll certainly beat his ass!" Mikey winded up his punch and took a step back before unleashing a deadly punch sent fraught towards Takemichi's face.

Y/n, in a last ditch effort to stop his friend from getting his skull cracked, threw himself in front of Takemichi. Both boys closed their eyes and flinch as they prepared for a punch.

"Just kidding!" Mikey smiled as he flicked y/n's forehead. Takemichi stopped breathing as he heard those words.

"H u h ?"

Mikey patted y/n's shoulder, which was a bit difficult since y/n was taller than Mikey, and laughed "Takemichi you dummy! I would never lay a hand on a girl!"

Thank god...

Not proofread!

Still alive btw, Im just busy with finals. Thank you for your patience

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