Chapter 16~Kidnapped by Kazutora is so much fun

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It was 3AM and the tired e/c eyes stared into the dark room. His eye bags got darker and heavier as he walked deeper into his thoughts.

Baji quit Toman

Kisaki is the new division captain.

Takemitchy may be killed by Mikey if he doesn't bring back Baji.

The mysterious sixth founding member.

One step at a time.

First: Kisaki.

Kisaki must have some relation to Hanma since they followed y/n home together. With Kisaki in Touman and Hanma in Valhalla, they may be conspiring together.


They got into a big fight and separated from one another, Kisaki joining the enemy of Valhalla to get back at his ex-friend.

Second: Baji

Baji quit Toman and now Mikey is giving Takemichi and I a chance to bring him back. How we will do that is still in the works.

Third: The Sixth

It could be that the 6th member could be Kazutora, the friend of Baji's who went to Juvie. Going to Juvie could be the reason why Mikey didn't mention him.

So what did he do to make Mikey not want to talk about him?

So many questions still.

"Guhhhhhh." Y/n screamed into his pillow as he rolled over.

Tomorrow is a new day.

The door to the classroom opened up, revealing the oh so popular y/n l/n. He was half asleep.

At this point the class isn't even shocked, just disappointed.

Kaede walked towards his desk where he sat and sighed, "do we have to ask at this point?"

Y/n just shook his head and yawned.

Kenji leaned over onto y/n's head, placing his elbow on top. "Yknow at this point people might stop getting worried and start getting mad."

"Mad at what? It's his life!" Kaede shot back at her Vice President. Kenji blushed in embarrassment and was quick to retaliate, "it's not my idea of course! It's just what people think!"

Kaito walked through the door next with Kei.

"You look like shit." Kaito announced as he sat in the chair next to y/n.

Kenji sighed, "you're gonna die at this point."

"Yeah yeah I know mom." Y/n mumbled as he slowly dazed off.

"He's falling asleep." Kei said as he sat on the desk kaito was at. Kaede placed a hand on his head, feeling his temperature.

"Do you need a nap? We can take you to the nurse if you want."

"no... I just.. I'm just resting eyes." He grumbled as his head bobbed from side to side.

"Y/N!" Emi screeched as she ran through the door. She was immediately shushed by her classmates as he slowly dozed off. She ran towards the group, "is it true? Was he really in that big festival fight?" Kaede shrugged, "he's too tired to tell us."

"It's been weeks since that festival fight, why is it suddenly big news?" Kei asked.

"Because I've been gone for those few weeks! Haven't you noticed Kei?" Emi shouted, immediately shushed again.

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