Chapter 18~ I Am The king and you're just a pawn

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After a grueling night of rain and weed, waking up to a terrible stuffy nose was the worst thing he got out of it. He couldn't even remember what happened we he smoked but the point is, he blinked and now it's 9AM and he's in bed.

He groaned as he grabbed his phone off the counter next to his bed and opened the messages.

One from Takemichi asking how things went.

One from a random number telling him to answer Takemichi. Most likely Chifuyu

A thousand from his mom.

And multiple missed calls from all of the above.

Y/n turned his head up, he saw a little note on the counter. He looked up and saw some pain medicine. He peeled the note off and read it.

For the cold you're gonna have tomorrow.
-Kei :)))
P.S. I am 99% sure our teacher is sleeping with your mom.

Y/n read the P.S. a thousand times before crumpling up the paper and tossing it. He grabbed the medicine and got up from his bed.

He sniffled all the way downstairs.

Unfortunately downstairs was his mother sipping tea with Mr. Itsuki.

"Good morning!" She hummed.

Mr Itsuki waved.

Y/n nearly collapsed seeing his teacher in the kitchen with his mom. Kei couldn't be right. He refused to believe it.

"What're you doing here mr. Itsuki? Shouldn't you be at school... teaching.." he smiled as he tried to not throw the medicine.

The teacher smiled, "well I called off for today to help you and your mother out! You had her so worried yesterday yknow!"

"Ahahaha... yeah.." y/n mumbled as he stared at the two adults. He went to get a glass of water to down his medicine.

Once he did, he immediately went upstairs. The thought of his mom and teacher being close, it disturbed him dearly.

He opened his phone, and texted kaito.

- I hope you're feeling better from yesterday! I'm okay as well and I apologize for my friend throwing you.

He sent the message and then called Takemichi. The phone ringed until he picked up.


"I sorta went off the grid.. how did yesterday go?"

"Sigh— we got to talk to Osanai about Kisaki. And it's obvious Kisaki is up to something. How was the conversation with Baji?"


"Um... yeah it was okay-ish.. I was actually thinking since Chifuyu is closer to Baji than I am that he should talk to him instead."

"That's not a bad idea! Are you good y/n? You sound sick."

"That's cus I am michi... I'm just hoping it's a one of those one day sicknesses..."

"Okay, Chifuyu and I Will take over today. You just stay home and recover."

"Okay. Stay safe, also tell Chifuyu to not text me so rudely again."

"... what do you mean?"

"You gave him my number, right?"

"....I didn't give him your number y/n."

Y/n stopped speaking. His eyes widened at the news his friend told him.

Then... who texted y/n.

And how did they know Takemichi was calling him?

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