Chapter 21~ Juvie>>Working Customer service

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"So... he works here now..?" Takemichi asked at the register. Y/n nodded, "he's actually doing okay for the most part. It's a bit weird seeing him every single day though." They turned their heads to Kazutora, who was proudly presenting a group of girls what flowers were good for what occasions.

Takemichi shuttered, "if you needed help I could've worked here too." Y/n immediately disagreed, "I said no, but all of a sudden he got my mom on board and now he's my co worker. He even goes inside my house sometimes! Do you know how horrifying that is?! Seeing Kazutora in the corner of your room in the dark!"

Y/n shuffled in his bed as his alarm went off at 6AM. The red light from the alarm was the only thing that allowed the teen to see in the dark.

He grabbed the box and shut off the sound coming from it violently. Just as he was going to rest his head back into his cool and soothing pillow, he saw a figure in the corner of his room.

He threw his head back up, his half open eyes were now fully open as he looked back in the corner.

There was nothing there.

"What the fuck.." he mumbled, still tired. Y/n sighed as he rest his head, starting to fall asleep.

"Good morning sleepy head." Kazutora smiled at the side of y/n's bed. "WHAT THE FUCK." He screamed as he smacked Kazutora with his pillow.

"It's not fun." Y/n sighed as his eye bags became more prominent.

Takemichi giggled lightly, "how's your.. yknow what.. going?"

He was talking about the stab wound. It's been a week since the incident and Takemichi was still worried.

Of course he would still be worried, he left his friend alone for a few minutes and sudden he was bleeding out in Mitsuya and Hakkai's arms. It didn't make him feel better when the guy who stabbed him was suddenly all lovey-dovey with him.

The h/c teen sighed, "I can walk without limping as much anymore but sometimes it hurts when I lay the wrong way." Takemichi smiled and cheered, "that means you're healing! We should celebrate!"

"Celebrate what?" Baji asked as he appeared near Takemichi out of no where. The blonde screamed, falling to the ground out of shock. "Ouch." He groaned on the ground. Chifuyu popped out from behind Baji and snickered at him, "you should pay more attention." He lifted Takemichi up.

"Celebrate y/n healing! Maybe we could go out for some fro-yo after your shift today!" Takemichi drooled at the thought of frozen yogurt, decorated with chocolate sauce and sprinkles.

Baji made his hands form an X, "No can do today, we have a toman meeting today. Mikey announced it today after putting it off for a whole week, he was waiting for something." Chifuyu sat down on Kazutora's spinny chair as he spun around in it.

"Huh?? That's today?"

Baji nodded, "it's meant to conclude the issues that happened during bloody halloween and apparently he has a really big thing to announce at the end of the meeting."

Chifuyu suddenly stopped spinning in the chair , "didn't you have to meet up with Mitsuya for something? You'll never make it if you leave later than now." Takemichi's blue eyes widened, "WHAT TIME IS IT?" "Around 2 pm.."

The blonde freaked out running to the door, "WE'LL FINISH THE CONVERSATION LATER! I NEED TO GO BEFORE I GET MITSUYA MAD AND HE DECIDES TO RUN ME OVER THIS TIME! BYE Y/N, and everyone." He shouted and ran out. Y/n, Baji and Chifuyu watched through the glass door as Takemichi tripped and fell.

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