Chapter 08

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Once finished with your makeup, you check yourself one more time in the mirror before walk out from your dorm room and heading to the lounge. Upon your arrival you already sensed that the girls were gossiping about you, just like usual, this isn't something new, you knew that the other girls didn't like you and always talk bad about you. You couldn't find a reason why would they despise you so much because you always being nice and treat them with respect since you're the youngest, you don't want to be hated but you really can't force anyone to like you or stop them from gossip about you, can you? The best you can do is ignored them.

With your exhaust and sorrow face, you walk pass everyone and go sit alone by the corner. For a couple minutes, Lena walk in and give everyone their assigned room, your mind were wandering somewhere else, so you couldn't pay attention to her, you just sat quietly until she came and shake your shoulders.

Lena: Are you alright?

She asked concernedly, you look at her with your lost and confused eyes. You casually scanning around the room to found out that everyone already left.

Y/n: Sorry, I was just spaced out a little

You apologize and bow at her, sincerely.

Lena: If you're not feeling well, I guess you can-

Y/n: No, I can work. Please tell me my client's room.

Since you didn't work yesterday, you can't afford to take another day off, if you do, you won't be able to reach your goal and pay back your parent's debts on time. The due date is coming closer and closer but all the money you've saved so far isn't even half of the debts amount yet.

Lena: So you didn't pay attention when I was talking earlier huh? But whatever, you don't have client today

Your eyes become sadden, you look down and remain silent

Lena: Recently, your clients been complaining a lot, you know that?

Y/n: Yes

You replied with low and guilty tone

Lena: If this keep happening, I'm afraid you won't get any clients in the future

Y/n: I'm sorry

Lena: Why don't you put any effort? If you wanted money then you need to take this job serious

Y/n: I did everything I could Lena, but...

Lena: But what?

Y/n: Sometime they're just too much and forced me to do stuff that completely out off my comfort zone

Lena: Your job is to do whatever they want, please them however they desire, and you could have charge them extra for that

Y/n: But-

Lena: That's how you make money in this field Y/n and you had turned down Mr. Min, the richest client in here, he always pay triple more than the others, you could've get so much from him if you tried a little bit.

Y/n: I don't like the way he looks down on us

You whispered to yourself because you don't want Lena to hear but unfortunately she did

Lena: Well, your pride not gonna get you anything, if you're worry of what people think about you, you shouldn't come work with me in the first place

Y/n: I'm sorry, I will try my best from now on. Please don't fire me

You plead. She look at you then released a deep sigh

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