Chapter 02

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It was a long trip, once I arrived at Ms. Lena's bar she introduced me to some of the girls that already working there. They're all pretty and nice but the at the same time they seem pretentious. After touring around a little bit, Ms. Lena has someone guide me to the room. She told me I have few hours to rest since I have to start working tonight, I'm nervous because I don't know anything yet.

Although my body is exhausted but I couldn't rest, the room is so messy, bunch of beer bottles on the floor and there's some weird smell that giving me headache. I don't know how much longer can I endure this. I went to sit on the bed that the girl said it was mine and hug my bag while my eyes still touring around the room. There are about 10 beds in total in the room, so I guess everyone sleeping here, I sighed and hug my bag tightly. I don't know if I made the right decision, after tonight I won't be able to go back and face Jungkook again.

"Why you still sitting there, aren't you tired?"

I raised my face up a little bit to see a girl from earlier, leaning on the door and look straight to me. I shake my head to respond her as a no

"Where you from?" She asks while approaching one of the bed that close to mine

"I came from Busan" I replied

"That's far"

I chuckled. She sit down on the bed and facing me

"How old are you?"

"I'm 18"

I look at her dumbfounding as she placed her hand on her chest and gasp surprisingly

"Girl wtf? You're baby"

"18 is legal age"

"Yeah, I know but you're literally the youngest one in all of us"

"How old are you?" I return her question doubtfully

"Me? I'm old"

"How old?"

"Twenty-two" She reply then pulls out a cigar and put it between her lip. "Want one?" She asked while handing one to me, I quickly shake my head to decline "I don't smoke". She chuckled and nodded her head. I immediately feel suffocated when she lit the cigar, now I get it where the smell from.

"So... have you had sex before?"

I remain silent as my brain processed the question, after few seconds I slowly shaking my head which makes her burst out laughing. I look down, feeling embarrassed

"I don't think you can start working tonight because tonight our guests will be mostly rich businessmen, they're very picky and demanding. It hard to satisfy men like them especially when you don't have any experience"

At this rate my brain didn't think of anything else, it all about money and I must work tonight, so I can reach my goal quickly and get out of this place

"But Ms. Lena said she will train me later, I think I'll be okay" I countered, she started laughing again

"Girl, this is not a typical jobs that you will need to be trained before start working. When she said "train" she will just tell you to be nice to your guests, spread your legs for them, suck their dick and do whatever to make them happy"

This right here, it starts to creep and gross me out, I was only think about the money that I forgot about the process to get it. Do I really need to do all these stuff to get the money? Will it worth it? And what will Jungkook think of me when he finds out? I hope he doesn't hate me, I have no one but him, I don't want to be hated by him too.

Talk about Jungkook I haven't text him yet since I arrived. Without thinking of anything else I pull my phone out from my bag, my lip slowly form a smile when I saw his text, asking about the trip.

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