Chapter 23

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You sit quietly on a chair while Lena keeps staring at you in silent. In a daze, you're worry about what gonna happen in the future. To you he's very unpredictable, even though you two made a deal, you're not really sure if such a powerful person like him will take this serious and will actually leave Jungkook alone.

Lena: So?? Are gonna tell me what's going on between you and Mr. Min?

Lena broke the silence. You glance at her then shake your head.

Y/n: There's nothing

You avoid her eyes contact. As a bad liar you are, you knew very well she's not going to believe you. After couple of silences, Lena released a deep sigh and nod her head, as a sign of understanding.

Lena: So... since you're already here, do you wanna work? You see we're kinda busy today, if you work you're going to make a bank

She hastily change the topic. You peeking outside and they're indeed very busy, if it's not because you have Jungkook over, you probably want to stay and take the opportunity, but you can't just leave Jungkook a lone all night. Matter of fact you already feel bad that you left him and came here.

Y/n: No, I think I'll leave now

Lena: Alright suit yourself

With that Lena leave the dressing room. You also get up and grab your stuff, ready to go back to your apartment.

About 25 minutes later you arrive at your apartment, you got inside your room and see Jungkook already asleep on the couch. You went to your bedroom to grab a blanket for him. As you try to cover him with the blanket, you flinch when he suddenly grabs one of your hand.

Jungkook: You're finally back?

He asked with his half awakened voice.

Y/n: Y- yes, sorry for waking you up, I just brought you a blanket, you can go back to sleep now

You quickly release your hand from him and stand up, just when you about to walk away you remembered that you have to give him his phone back.

Y/n: Oh yeah here

You take it out from your pocket and hand it to him. His eyes widened when he saw his phone

Jungkook: Where did you find it?

Y/n: Uhh... um someone I know found it

Jungkook looks at you in confusion as it doesn't make sense to him, and he refuses to believe that this is just coincidence, inwardly he has so many questions he wants to ask you but he choose to nod his head and play along.

As soon as he has his phone back Jungkook go straight to his gallery but everything had been permanently deleted.

Jungkook: Nononono this can't be

He exclaimed with his panicking tone

Y/n: What's wrong?

Jungkook: The video is gone

Y/n: What video?

Jungkook: The video I took today of those murders is g-

Y/n: Jungkook forget about it! Ok?

Jungkook hastily turns to look at you in unimpressed, he couldn't believe what did you just said.

Jungkook: What you mean forget about it? We need to bring justice for those poor people

You remain silent in guilt because you don't know what you're supposed to do

Jungkook: You didn't believe me aren't you, only if I have the video I can show you that I didn't make things up.

Y/n: Of course I do, I do believe you, I helped you with my own hands

Jungkook: Then why you try to tell me to let it go?

Y/n: Because I don't want you to get yourself involve in this kind of thing, it's not worth it. Do you know how dangerous these people are?

Jungkook: And? They still deserve to be in jail

Y/n: Jungkook please? Forget about it and let the police handle all these stuff, can you do that for me? Please?

After couple of silent, Jungkook sigh deeply and nodding his head. You can sense how frustrated and disappointed he is

Jungkook: Alright then, it's late now I'll go back to sleep, you should go sleep too

With that he lay back down on the couch and ignore your presence. You sigh and walk to your bedroom guiltily.

Next Day

It's around 8 A.M in the morning, you wake up because the vibrations of your phone, without checking the caller ID, you slide your phone to answer the call

On The Phone

Y/n: Hello?

Y/n's Dad: Y/n, my daughter

*You stare at the phone in confusion for couple seconds before you attach it back to your ear*

Y/n: Appa? Are you okay? Is something happened?

Y/n's Dad: No no appa okay, appa just wanted to say thank you for everything, appa sorry for being such a horrible dad and always treating you badly *sobbing* appa never wanted to put you through this, appa sorry

Y/n: It's okay appa, you don't be sorry. I promise I will do my best try to save money and pay off the debts, you don't have to worry ok?

Y/n's Dad: What debt now? Appa thought you already did paid them off

Y/n: No, not yet appa. But-

Y/n's Dad: How? Appa just received a notice from them said that the debt had been paid off

Y/n: What? It must have been a misunderstanding, I haven't pay them any won yet.

Y/n's Dad: Oh how strange

Y/n: Anyway appa, you have to be careful okay? I'll try to figure out what's happening, maybe they plan on doing something bad

Y/n's Dad: Appa will, you too be safe over there, don't overwork yourself

Y/n: Okay appa.

After your dad hang up, you put the phone down on the nightstand. You get up from the bed, walking outside your bedroom to go check on Jungkook but you couldn't find him anywhere. You walk to the table in the kitchen where you see a note and breakfast that he prepared for you. On the notes said that he's leaving to the museum nearby so he can start working on his project. You read the note and sigh in relieved.

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