Chapter 19

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It been over 40 minutes now and still no signs of Jungkook, he said he was only few minutes away. I tried to contact him but I couldn't reach him either, his phone probably dead or something. I wonder if he got lost again, if he does that would be my fault for gave him the wrong address since the beginning. To be honest, I'm also new in this city, I don't know much about the area yet but I do remember seeing an abandoned building somewhere, it likes a mile away from here, maybe I should go looking for him.

I wait for another few minutes then decided to go looking for Jungkook at the abandoned building. As I walk in the alley, something caught my attention, I found a black cap on the ground. I don't know if it's coincidence but Jungkook own one of these, so it could be that he dropped this.

After pick the cap up I continue walking then suddenly stop again when I heard a noise coming from few feet ahead, with my curiosity I keep walking and follow the noise. When I got closer, I hide behind the building and secretly peeking to see what happened. My eyes widened when I saw Jungkook getting beat up by two men. I was panicking and didn't know what to do for a minute, I would go around and looking for a help but as I remember I haven't seen any single person since I entered this alley, if I have to run all the way back to my apartment I'm afraid those men will do something bad to Jungkook first, same thing as waiting for police to come. I'm so hopeless, I need to do something. I turn to look around and found a brick, I stare at it for a second then take a deep breath before pick it up.

I quietly sneak up to them until I get a lot closer, I throw the brick at one of the men's head which made him collapse down on the ground, he is bleeding but I could careless because he hurt Jungkook. When the other man see what happened to his friend, he look at me deadly in the eyes.

Y/n: Leave Jungkook alone

Man: Who the fuck are you?

As he tries to approach me Jungkook grabs one of his legs to stop him, he turns to look at Jungkook and kicking him off angrily. While he distracted with Jungkook, I went to pick the same brick up and start hitting the man repeatedly until he collapsed down with his friend.

I quickly threw the brick away and went to help Jungkook up then escort him back to my apartment safely. As soon as we arrived, I sit Jungkook down on the couch and went to grab a first-aid kit. I come back sitting next to him, he was silent all the way here, I want to know what happened but I don't think I should ask him now.

Y/n: Look this way

I gently turn his face to facing me and begin to clean his wounds.

Y/n: Should I take you to a hospital?

Jungkook: No

Y/n: You sure?

Jungkook: Yeah

Poor Jungkook, I can't even look at him without feeling guilty

Y/n: I'm sorry it was because of me that this happened to you

He didn't say anything and just staring at me silently

Jungkook: You know what? The first minute when I saw you at the alley I really thought that you've changed but now I realized that you haven't at all. Stop blaming everything on yourself, it wasn't your fault.

He placed one of his hands on my head, while staring at me with his serious face. I give him a soft smile and continue cleaning his wounds

Y/n: Can I ask you something?

Jungkook: Um

Y/n: At first, what made you think that I've changed?

Jungkook: I don't know. Maybe the way you dress and the makeup

My face slowly frowning when I start thinking about it.

Jungkook: Don't get me wrong, you still look good. It's just me, I'm not used to it

Y/n: I'll be right back

I get up from the couch and run into my bedroom. I changed my outfit to an oversize hoodie and a jean, dress like the way I dressed before. After finished I run back outside, Jungkook just look at me dumbfounding

Jungkook: You went in there just to changed?

I nod my head in response

Jungkook: Why?

Y/n: I want you to feel comfortable

Jungkook: Who said I wasn't?

Y/n: You

Jungkook: What?

Y/n: When I escort you back here, you were silent the whole time which is very strange

Jungkook: That doesn't mean I don't feel comfortable

He pout cutely

Y/n: What does it means then? And why won't you talk to me?

Jungkook: I- I don't know. It just weird, something telling me that you're not the same

Y/n: Of course before I used to be a student, now I'm not, you probably think of me differently

Jungkook: It's not about that. It doesn't matter if you're student or not

Y/n: You hungry?

Jungkook: Yeah

Y/n: You know I just moved here and I don't have anything yet but I can go out and buy us something. What do you want?

Jungkook: Anything is fine.

Y/n: Ok. But let me put band-aid for you first

I come sit on the couch and put bandaid cover the cut on his face.

Y/n: Do you wanna tell me what happened? Why were they beating you up?

Jungkook: I accidentally saw them killed somebody

Y/n: Killed!?

Jungkook: Yeah, there are many of them, but those two found me first. We should report this to police

Y/n: We should but do you have any proof? It's really hard to make police here to believe us without any evidence

Jungkook: I had but...

Y/n: But?

Jungkook: Those guys took my phone

I look at him and sigh frustratedly

Jungkook: They were about to take me to their boss but you came first

Y/n: How can people be so devilish

Jungkook look at me in confusion as I unexpectedly grab his hand and stand up

Y/n: Let's go to the police station

Jungkook: Mhm!

He nodded and hold my hand back tightly.

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