Chapter 14

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After several hours of asleep, I finally woke up and found Mr. Min sleeping right next to you, with his arm still holding my waist firmly, I release a deep sigh then proceed to remove his arm as I need to get up and use restroom.

I carefully try to get off from the bed, didn't want to wake him up, it seem like he still in deep sleep, anyway after get off from bed, I walk straight to the bathroom.

⚠️ Blood Warning ⚠️

I come sit on the toilet and do my business, suddenly my eyes widened when I feel like a blood clots coming out from my uterus, I can guess what exactly it is, I slowly look down at the toilet with my terrified expression.

Y/n: Why does it has to come today?

I muttered, feel like crying then covered my red face in embarrassment. Not sure what to do, I sit at the toilet for several minutes and start to feel tired. I look around his gigantic bathroom and see a bath towel, something comes up to my head, I keep staring at the bath towel, debating whether I should do it or not, but I really do need a shower tho, he wouldn't mind right?

Almost 30 minutes later, after finished showering I wrap a bath towel around my body and walk outside the bathroom. I hope Mr. Min hasn't wake up yet, it will be so embarrassing if he did and see me in this, will he be mad if he knows that I took a bath in his shower without his permission? Ahh how I'm going to explain to him, while wandering inside my thoughts, my jaw suddenly dropped, I paused when I see him standing near the bed, with his hand holding a coffee mug, his eyes looking at me then the towel that wrapped around my body

Yoongi: Took you long enough to finish shower

Y/n: I- I'm s-sorry, I didn't know that you already woke up

Yoongi: Hurry up and get dressed, after I'm finished we'll go somewhere

Y/n: N- no I can't

Yoongi: Why?

Y/n: B- because I have to go back to the bar

Yoongi: What are you going to do over there? It's day time and no one go to bar at this early in the morning

Well he has a point but even I only work at night, that doesn't mean I'm free at the day time, I need to start looking for a second and third jobs, the deadline is coming, I can't loitering around like this

Yoongi: Why are you here with towel? Are you try to seduce me? Hm?

He smirk while stepping closer to me, I immediately shaking my head and push him back then cover my upper breast with both of my arms.

Y/n: N- no, that not is

I defend myself with my red embarrassing face which made him burst out smiling

Yoongi: Oh really? Then why don't you have your clothes on?

Y/n: B- because I- I'm... I... am... I'm on my girl's day I need something to

I mumbling lowly, almost whispering

Yoongi: You what? Don't stuttering and speak louder I can't understand

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